Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 1015 1015 Clash Between Gods (2)

Chapter 1015 Chapter 1015 Clash Between Gods (2)

The Administrator snapped her fingers and a wave of energy that seemed to sap away the colors in the surroundings burst out from her.

When this wave hit the man that had intruded onto Mirrion, it revealed a massive web of previously invisible golden threads that stretched out from his body.

Instantly every single one of these threads snapped and faded away into dust now that they were bathed in the strange energy emitted from the Administrator.

"There, now you can’t switch to more favorable paths. What is going to occur is locked into place." She said, a pleased expression on her face.

In complete contrast, the man grimaced now that one of his greatest powers had been suppressed. Normally the ability that the Administrator had just used would not be potent enough to strongly affect his golden threads. However, Mirrion was governed by its own rules, one of which was an absolute limit on the upper level of strength any entity could possess and still reside on the world. Not even the Administrator was exempt from this rule, and it served as an absolute protection against both external and internal threats that could potentially destroy Mirrion.

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This infallible rule had caused the man that had snuck onto the world to lower the power of the body he was using until it was at an acceptable level to not be caught by the ultimate defense protection Mirrion.

"I never would have imagined you could completely block my dominant magic. I figured I wouldn’t be able to beat you here, but to think that you could shut my powers down to such a high degree. It seems that my plans will be utterly thwarted. But I shall at least claim a consolation prize."

Rapidly moving his hands, the man controlled the multiuse of silver threads at the end of his fingertips and weaved them into thousands of arrows that he rained down on the Administrator.

With an unimpressed look, she waved her hand and burned the thread arrows coming toward her to ash.

However, she had never been the man’s true target. He had already given up on defeating her and was aiming to do as much damage as possible before he was defeated.

Most of the arrows he had created from silver thread flew towards Marcus who still lay immobilized. The man figured that he could at least snuff out a potential future enemy here and now. He knew that Marcus would be a major threat should he ever ascend from Mirrion and join the Administrator as an ally.

"I may not accomplish any of my original goals, but I will at least snuff out one of your favorites."

Eyes going wide, the Administrator looked back and saw that Marcus was about to be impaled by hundreds of thread arrows. She had put a barrier around him to protect him from attacks, but there was a very real possibility it could be broken.

In his current state, Marcus was helpless and even just getting hit by one attack could easily destroy him.


Clicking her tongue, the Administrator tore a rift in space that opened up in front of Marcus.

Swiftly she moved to slip through the rift and appear in front of Marcus in order to protect him, but the man manipulated his threads and whipped them towards her.

As she went through the rift, a few of the strings breached her defenses and slices up her back.

When she did appear in front of Marcus, he could see that silver blood was pouring down her back from several deep wounds.

Still, injured as she was, the Administrator used her magic to deflect the incoming barrage of thread arrows that threatened to end Marcus.

"It’s almost unbelievable that you still have that same weakness. You are too compassionate. Had you just let that weakling die, you probably could have defeated me just now. Instead, you risked yourself and let me get some hits in to save him. Perhaps I will be able to win after all." The man said with a mocking tone.

In return, the administrator let out a low angry growl, but she could not refute his words. Nevertheless, she stayed in front of Marcus protectively. She was not going to let him be destroyed.

"The… great sprits. If… you call… them… surely you can… easily beat… him." Marcus choked out with some difficulty.

Unfortunately, the Administrator shook her head at Marcus’ suggestion.

"I’m afraid I can’t summon any of them here. This island prevents any entity over level eight from entering its confines. I can appear here since I don’t technically have a level, but even the great spirits can’t bypass the rules of this place. Most of the great spirits are currently dealing with another problem anyway. Pulling them away from it would leave Mirrion exposed to an equally dangerous situation."

Marcus grimaced when he heard that no reinforcements could be called to help. He knew that the Administrator had just gotten hurt because she was protecting him, but he did not have the resolve to ask her to leave him to die.

"No need to look so down. I can beat him even if I have to protect you."

After making this declaration, The Administrator placed her right index finger on her forehead and quickly traced a pattern against her skin.

"Mark of Wisdom."

Once she had finished activating this Supreme Skill a bright purple glow erupted from her body.

Along with the overwhelmingly powerful aura that wrapped around her body, a resplendent suit of golden armor that came with a matching spear and shield materialized from thin air.

Without delay the armor affixed itself to the Administrator and the beautifully crafted shield and spear flew into her hands.

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"I hope that your finished powering up, because I’m ready to end this." The man said, an innumerable number of weapons and creatures weaved from the silver threads he seamlessly controlled.

Moving his hands like a puppet master, he sent wave after wave of attacks that blotted out the sky.

From what Marcus could tell, each of the tens of thousands of threaded weapons and creatures were teeming with mana and displayed a multitude of different types of magic. It was the most mind-boggling display of power he had seen yet, and he honestly wondered if the Administrator could actually block every attack while also protecting him.

"Athena’s Regalia, Helios Formation."

The Administrator uttered these code words and the armor, shield, and spear that she had equipped rapidly changed coloration. What had once been pure gold was accented with red and orange patterns.

Then with a single swing of her spear, she unleashed a blaze that even outshined her earlier fire magic.

Most of the thread attacks that were closing in on her and Marcus were burnt up and reduced to less than ash.

However, several hundreds of the weapons and beasts made of thread survived the inferno thanks to being coated in types of magic that made them resistant to fire.


Holding her shield forward, The Administrator created several golden barriers in front of herself and Marcus.

The thread weapons and creatures that had survived the initial blast of fire crashed against these barriers and began tearing them apart.

Each one only lasted a few seconds despite each one being incredibly powerful. To the point Marcus estimated that even his strongest attacks would not be able to put a scratch on one of them.

"Erebus Formation."

Activating another of her equipment’s abilities, the armor, shield, and spear the Administrator was wielding changed coloration.

The bright reds and oranges that accented her golden gear swiftly shifted to a black so dark that it seemed to draw in all of the surrounding light.

With her new power, she thrust out her spear with such swiftness that her weapon seemed to disappear.

Each thrust reached out with an all-encompassing darkness that pierced through the weapons and creatures made of threads.

Hit with the corroding properties of the darkness element imbued within the Administrator’s spear, the resilient threads that survived her initial fire attack began to break apart.

Having dealt with the initial wave of attack, the Administrator pointed her spear upwards and struck out towards the man manipulating threads in the sky.

Yet, as the trust of darkness flew off from her spear, an enormous cage of threads fell around them and blocked the attack.

These threads were tougher than the others the man had deployed so far and resisted the attacks that the Administrator launched at them.

Of course, this cage did not only serve as a defensive measure to protect the man that had intruded onto Mirrion, but it was also an unavoidable deathtrap that was closing in on Marcus and the Administrator.

"Gaia Formation."

With the power of her equipment having switched again, the Administrator plunged her spear into the ground and the earth around her and Marcus rose up into giant bulwarks to slow the incoming cage of threads.

"Oranous Formation."

After creating the necessary defenses with one power, the Administrator changed to another to go back on the offensive.

The sky for as far as the eye could see grew dark with thick storm clouds and crackled with thunder and lightning.

Waving her spear down, the Administrator commanded colossal bolts of lighting to rain down upon the area in an indictment barrage.

Every single bolt that fell from the sky contained at least the same amount of power, if not more than the tier eight calamity bolt spell.

Except the Administrator was not satisfied with just unleashing blasts of lightning. She also controlled the winds and brought down hundreds of gigantic tornados that tore apart everything in their path.

This storm of immeasurable proportions forced the man to halt his thread cage and focus all of his efforts on blocking the Administrator’s attack.

"Now, time to finish this. Chaos Formation."

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