Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 115 - 114 Ghost Vs Vampire

Once he saw the sharp white teeth protruding out from the man in the man in the black suit’s mouth, Marcus immediately knew he was a vampire and brought his guard up to the max. He then quickly checked his level and found that this vampire was at level thirty-four making him four levels higher than Marcus and the same level as Wade.

’Damn this guy is real trouble, I am not certain about the abilities of vampires in this world, and while I will probably be fine there is a possibility of him killing Lilia or Blitz.’

After taking a quick moment to think of the possible ways he could get out this situation Marcus said, "You Vampire, I do not want any trouble, but I have no intent of letting you kill me or my sister. If you let us leave this town, we will not cause you any trouble and we can both get out of this unscathed."

The vampire seeing Marcus’ wariness towards him simply continued to smile and said, "There is no need to be so hostile. I am simply offering my hospitality for a night, how about it, I promise not to drain you or your sister dry. In fact, for someone as powerful and beautiful as you I would even be willing to make you my bloodkin. How about it, you would gain even greater strength and an immortal body, it is a good deal don’t you think."

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The vampire continued to stand there smiling, trying to look as charismatic as possible. He was very interested in Marcus because he had never smelt a scent quite so alluring, and it was quite rare for anyone to resist his mind controlling powers.

Marcus continued to watch the man and could tell that he had no intention of letting him go without Marcus giving into his demands or through a show of strength.

"Are you sure you want to do this; do you think you can win against me and a rare grade magic beast just because you are a few levels higher. I have already fought and beaten monsters stronger than you before, if I have to, I will go through you, so stand aside."

Marcus continued to stare down this vampire hoping that his intimidation would work and he could get the hell out of here without a confrontation, since he had no idea what tricks this vampire might have up his sleeves.

Unfortunately, Marcus’ hopes were dashed as the vampire chuckled lightly before saying, "Yes even I might have a bit of difficulty handling the two of you, if I was alone."

He then snapped his fingers and out from the darkness over thirty gray skinned people with skin that was tight around their muscles and bones and had sunken glowing red eyes appeared.

They quickly surrounded Marcus, Lilia, and Blitz making sure that they had no route of escape.

Seeing that they were now outnumbered Marcus scanned the new vampire spawn finding that they were mostly in the single digits level wise but a few of them were in the upper teens one even being level nineteen.

Once he had ascertained the strength of his new enemies Marcus tried to test the waters by applying his phantom pressure to one of the low-level vampire spawn, but found it had no effect.

’Soulless and mindless just like I suspected, without a soul to attack my phantom pressure is useless. There are quite a lot of them and if I am not careful Lilia or Blitz could get hurt.’

While Marcus was analyzing the situation and thinking of ways to deal with his current predicament the vampire was beginning to grow impatient and said, "Have you had enough time to think about you position. I recommend that you come with me willingly, it would be shame if your little sister got hurt if you were to struggle. I promise you that becoming my bloodkin is quite the honor, you will become my queen of the night and we can rule over this worthless town until we become bored of it and move onto greater things. Or if you are not going to come with me willingly, I can drag you kicking and screaming, and I am sure you will come around to my way of thinking after the ceremony."

During the vampire’s entire pitch Marcus had been using his mind on overdrive thinking about different ways to combat these vampires.

However, once the vampire finished his speech Marcus knew he did not have much time so he responded trying to buy just a little more time so he could finish ironing out his plan.

"You talk about becoming your bloodkin like it is the best thing in the world, but it appeared that it would just turn me into a soulless mindless puppet why would I ever want that."

The vampire hearing Marcus’ statement shook his head before saying, "No these things are as you said, "mindless puppets" they are just what is left when I have finished draining the blood and soul form a person. But do not worry what I will be doing for you is sharing my blood and soul and turning you into a true vampire like myself. So, your answer, will you come willingly or am I going to have to restrain you first."

Marcus put a finger on his chin like he was seriously contemplating the offer, all the while he was putting the finishing touch on his plan.

After just a few moments Marcus had finalized what he wanted to do and took a certain item out of his item box and chunked it towards the vampire.

The vampire quickly keyed in on the item flying towards him and when he saw what it was, he caught it with his hand and began laughing out loud.

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"Bahahaha, I do not know where you heard the old folktale that vampires are weak to garlic, but if you were hoping that this was going to be your saving grace you are sadly mistaken."

He then took the clove of garlic and ate it to show how ineffective what he thought Marcus’ last hope was.

However, as he was eating the clove of garlic, he suddenly felt Marcus’ presence disappear completely, and when he looked back at where Marcus had been, he was gone.

The vampire smirked seeing Marcus disappear since while invisibly effects were quite powerful against most enemies, against a vampire, they were merely a slight annoyance.

He began sniffing into the air trying to pinpoint Marcus’ location but quickly realized that their was not a sliver of the delicious smelling fragrance Marcus had been emitting.

The vampire scoffed since his sense of smell had failed him and his eyes then began to glow allowing him to see heat sources.

However, even this did not reveal Marcus’ location and while he looked around franticly Marcus made his move.

Marcus had moved right next to the vampire and jumped into him to try and possess him.

Once Marcus had jumped into his body, he began a power struggle between their two souls.

The two of them fought each other hard but in the end even though Marcus was a lower level his incredibly high spirt stat still gave him the advantage and it was only a matter of time before he won the battle.

However, as he was about to claim victory Marcus felt another presence and the visage of a beautiful girl with pitch black hair and eyes appeared in front of him and Marcus felt and immense pressure.

The pressure quickly pushed him out of the vampires body shunting him back into open space and causing him a bit of damage from the failed possession.

At the same time the vampire was coughing violently and even started throwing up.

’Owowowow, damn it is been so long since I failed a possession, I forgot how much it hurts. But what was that thing, where did that girl come from and how did she kick me out.’

After being forced out of the vampire’s body Marcus switched to plan B and resolidified before charging at the vampire who was still reeling from the failed possession.

Unfortunately, before he could reach his target the vampire spawn locked onto him and moved to intercept.

The closest one tried to jump on him, but Marcus was ready and cast his shield of light spell creating a shimmering circular barrier.

The vampire spawn then crashed violently into the shield of light and immediately began smoking before catching on fire.

It then fell to the ground and began rolling around while screaming a high-pitched scream full of pain.

The other vampire spawn seeing the glowing shield around Marcus immediately stopped their charge becoming incredibly wary since they could instinctually feel how dangerous the shield Marcus had conjured was.

’Well, at least they are still weak to sunlight and light magic. Nevertheless, this is still going to be difficult, my shield of light is not meant to be used offensively and there are a lot of them.’

While Marcus had been dealing with the vampire spawn the vampire in the black suit had managed to recover from the backlash of Marcus trying to possess him, and glared at Marcus with raging fury and said, "You are not human what are you, and how dare you try to control me, one of the bloodkin of Empress Draayer.. I am going to rip you limb from limb and drain you till there is nothing left."

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