Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 116 - 115 Ghost Vs Vampire (2)

Marcus and the vampire stared each other down, waiting to see who would make the first move.

Normally the vampire would have already attacked with wild abandon since he was absolutely livid right now from Marcus’ attempted possession but seeing the shield of light Marcus had conjured kept him from charging in blindly.

Of course, against someone who wielded his greatest weakness, light magic, how could he just charge in without gaging Marcus’ abilities.

However, seeing that their stare down was not coming to an end anytime soon, the vampire ordered his spawn to attack, and even though they instinctually feared the shield of light Marcus had, they could not deny their master’s command.

Over two dozen of the vampire spawn came rushing towards him, while the other eight went to attack Lilia and Blitz.

’Damn, this is not good.’

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As Marcus saw the many vampire spawn coming for himself and the other others going for his companions, he used for the first time in combat his recently learned tier two fire spell flamethrower.

A jet of flame burst forth from Marcus’ left hand as he ran the flames down in an arc engulfing a number of the vampire spawn coming for him.

His attack managed to incinerate around a dozen of the weaker vampire spawn, but he was being attacked from all sides and there were a few that came out of his flames still barreling towards him while on fire.

However, before any of them reached him, he turned invisible and ethereal and began making his way over towards Blitz and Lilia.

The vampire spawn immediately looked to find their target, but it was as if Marcus had never been there to begin with.

Marcus having left his pursuers behind and confused quickly made it to where Blitz was fighting some of the vampire spawn.

Blitz was doing a decent job of holding off the spawn but with Lilia in his mouth he was unable to use his lightning abilities to his fullest, and he also had to take care to not move to abruptly and drop her.

Luckily for Blitz Marcus appeared next to him and immediately cast his tier four iron magic spell and summoned an iron golem which began smashing and punting the vampire spawn.

’Okay now Lilia should be safe with Blitz and my iron golem protecting her.’

Now that he had done what he could to ensure Lilia’s safety Marcus turned around and faced down the remaining vampire spawn that were coming for him now that he had reappeared.

Marcus then activated his mana body skill and cast his lightning strider spell before charging right for the center of the horde of vampire spawn.

’Shining Lance.’

As Marcus thought the name of his tier two light spell a nine-foot-long lance made completely out of dazzling light appeared in his hands and impaled the nearest vampire spawn with no resistance.

As the shining lance pierced through the vampire spawn its body burst into flames and quickly dissolved completely into ashes.

Marcus then swung his lance around with fluid motions slashing and piercing a vampire spawn with ever attack, each one bursting into flames and turning into ash.

However, the vampire in the black suit was not just going to sit back and let Marcus decimate his forces and now that he had forced Marcus to reveal his abilities he went into action.

Once Marcus had destroyed his sixth spawn, he took his right hand and sliced open his left wrist with his sharp fingernails.

Except instead of the blood flowing down his wrist and onto the ground, it began floating in the air and formed into the shape of chakram with protruding blades and a diameter of around three feet.

The vampire then sent it towards Marcus having it spin around like a buzz saw.

Marcus having kept one eye on the vampire who was the greatest threat, saw the blood magic spell coming towards him and quickly brought forth his iron sphere and had it rotate around him.

When the chakram of blood the vampire had shot towards him tried to slice him in half, Marcus used his iron sphere to intercept it and the two powerful magic spells clashed, sparks flying, before each one was pushed back and continued smashing into each other fighting for dominance.

At the same time Marcus was dancing across the battlefield swinging his shining lance around with grace and power mowing through the vampire spawn.

The vampire in the black suit seeing that he was down to just four vampire spawn remaining clicked his tongue in annoyance and sliced open both of his wrists.

Blood began to burst forward from his cut wrists and began forming into stakes, from a few dozen until there were over a hundred, and right as Marcus finished off his last spawn, he shot the more than a hundred blood stakes right for Marcus.

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Marcus seeing the barrage of blood stakes wanted to turn ethereal and have them pass through him harmlessly, but Lilia and Blitz were right behind them, so dodging was out of the question.

’Wall of Darkness’

Marcus brought both of his hands together and a massive sphere of darkness appeared before he pulled his hands apart and a twenty foot long and ten-foot-tall wall of darkness stood in front of him.

He then jumped back a dozen feet as his wall of darkness took the impact of the first blood stake and trembled before dozen mores smashed into it and tore it apart.

Many of the stakes then began continuing forward having destroyed Marcus’ wall of darkness.

However, Marcus had expected this since his wall of darkness was only a tier two spell and judging by the power of the blood spell the vampire had cast it was at least tier four.

He then raised his right foot all the way above his head and sent an enormous amount of his mana into his boot before slamming it down.

’Tidal Stomp.’

As Marcus’ foot crashed into the ground creating a small crater, a twenty-five-foot-tall wave of water burst forth form his boot rushing forward.

The wave and blood stakes quickly met and the stakes that passed through the wave lost most of their cohesiveness and began falling apart, losing the majority of their power.

The wave then broke apart and the rushing water went speeding toward the vampire ready to wash him away.

Gnashing his teeth, the vampire in the black suit jumped into the air and onto one of the nearby buildings and waited for the wave to pass by.

Once the wave had dissipated the vampire jumped down and glared at Marcus and said, "You, what the hell are you, how do you have both dark and light magic that should be impossible, and you are far to strong to only be level thirty."

Marcus smiled at the vampire seeing how he was becoming frantic as the battle was beginning to turn against him and said, "I am just a humble ghost with a few tricks up my sleeve, and it looks like I had no reason to be wary of you since you are much weaker than I thought."

The vampire hearing this began growling in anger, how could a lowly ghost stand up to a vampire one of the supreme undead races. And calling him weak when his abilities were recognized by his empress, enough that she had even made him one of her bloodkin.

"Very well you want to see my power, I will show you what the difference between the two of us is."

He then reached into one of the pockets on his suit and pulled out a glowing crimson orb and crushed it, casting the tier five spell sealed within it.

A torrent of blood crushed out of the shattered red orb and began coiling around the vampire in the black suit quickly forming into a menacing armor.

Seeing that he had used one of his trump cards Marcus had no intention of allowing the vampire to enchant himself without putting up any resistance and switch the grip on his shining lance and threw it forward.

The shining lance shot forward like a missile going directly for the vampire, but as it was about to pierce through him, the vampire in the black suit pulled out a wicked pitch-black sword and slashed through the shining lance.

Marcus stared seriously at the pitch-black sword that had deflected his shining lance and could immediately sense the power of darkness it held.

’That thing is trouble, its level of strength is even above Mrazivy’s sword, and I can tell it is enchanted with darkness magic.’

Unfortunately, as Marcus analyzed the properties of the vampire’s sword, his tier five spell sanguine armor had finished forming. Marcus could see that the armor had covered the vampire from head to toe and his hands now had sharp claws, his helm had two protruding horns, and he had a pair of red bat wings coming out of the back.

"To think I would have to use both of the gifts my empress graced upon me on a mere level thirty. But after the insult you have afflicted not only me but my empress, I cannot let you live no matter what it takes."

Marcus then saw as the vampire disappeared from his sight momentarily and he felt and immense sense of danger coming from his right side, and when he looked over his saw a pitch-black sword inches from his eyes.

His reflexes kicking into overdrive Marcus activated his speed burst and jumped back as the blade instead of taking his head off, slashed deeply into the right side of his cheek.

After moving away two dozen feet Marcus immediately felt the corroding effects of the darkness enchantment where the sword had cut his cheek and looked towards the vampire who had nearly taken his head off.

"I am surprised, I never expected you to dodge that, but just give me a few more swings and I will get used to my new speed and power."

The vampire then seemed to disappear once again, but this time Marcus got track of him much quicker and mumbled under his breath.

"Embodiment of Light."

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