Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 231 - 230 Elder Magma Elemental Boss

Leading things off Marcus cast the tier three fire resistance spell on Jarek and Treasa, while giving each of them a number of different buffs.

He first started with Jarek giving him radiance scales to bolster his defense along with legs of light and arms or darkness to boost his strength and agility.

After that he cast lightning strider and spirit blaze on Treasa making her overall much stronger and faster.

With his buff spells distributed both Treasa and Jarek stood to the sides of Marcus and got ready to move after he got the battle started.

Raising his left leg all the way over his head Marcus pushed a large amount of mana into his boot draining his mana at a rapid rate until he was down to only around twenty percent capacity left.

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He then slammed the boot into the ground and a wave that was far larger than any he had ever summoned before popped up out from the ground and began rushing towards the elder magma elemental that had been leisurely approaching.

The over one hundred foot tall and wide wave washed over the area cooling down the pockets of magma in its way turning them back into rock while also causing the room to fill up with steam.

However, while the wave was indeed a powerful attack, using it had also garnered the elder magma elemental’s full attention since the large volume of water was an actual threat to it.

Letting out another roar, the ground around the magma elemental began to shake as multiple large spikes began to burst out and pierce the raging wave causing it to lose stability and break apart.

Yet even after losing its structure the water from the wave still had momentum and began filling the area along with some of it still heading towards the magma elemental.

Unfortunately, the remaining water quickly began to evaporate as it closed in on the magma elemental and met the perpetual puddle of magma around it thus ending Marcus’ first attack.

’You are wide open.’

Having run along with the wave and using it as cover Treasa had come up from behind the Magma Elemental and used the massive amount of steam in the room to avoid its sight.

Spinning her spiked chain ball around Treasa winded up for a big move as she poured mana into her weapon causing it to shimmer green before throwing it towards the elder magma elemental.

’Buster Smash.’

Using one of her strongest attack skills, Treasa aimed straight for the center of the magma elemental boss monster as her spiked chain ball flew towards it like it had been shot out of a cannon.

As Treasa’s attack went flying towards the boss monster, it being a creature that had attained a level of fifty-two certainly had the ability to sense incoming threats, and even with her surprise the elder magma elemental began to manifest multiple walls of magma to block the approaching attack.

Treasa’s spiked chin ball began smashing through the magma walls deployed by the elder magma elemental, and even managed to get to the other side and crash into the boss monster.

The spiked chain ball sunk deep into its chest but stopped halfway through its force being dispersed.

The Elder magma elemental then began to glow brightly as the heat it was emanating increased sharply.

Seeing this Treasa yanked back her spiked chain ball and saw that it was now glowing from the heat coming from the elder magma elemental.

Luckily her weapon was of a high quality and made from adamantine because a lesser weapon certainly would have been damaged or even destroyed by coming in contact with such intense heat.

After retrieving her weapon Treasa had gained the ire of the elder magma elemental that began to manifest over a hundred magma spears and fire them towards her.

Yet since it had brought its attention towards Treasa, Jarek had taken this opening and thrust his spear forward from around four dozen feet away and sent of a spiraling blast of mana.

The blast of mana then pierced into the magma elemental blowing a hole in its side and causing the boss monster to let out a guttural scream.

However, the wound that Jarek had caused closed up almost immediately and the elder magma elemental turned towards him and opened its mouth wide as it spewed a huge blast of magma towards him.

"Wall of Darkness."

Casting his tier two defensive magic Marcus focused the spell through the three floating darkness magnifying lenses and put up a thick wall in front of Jarek.

Of course, the magma blast fired by the boss monster quickly broke through Marcus spell but even just second was enough for Jarek to get far enough away and avoid the attack.

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Focusing on defense since his magic attacks would be less effective against the elder magma elemental because of its magic resistance, Marcus made sure that both Jarek and Treasa stayed out of harm’s way.

The battle continued to rage on as Jarek and Treasa whittled down the elder magma elemental’s health.

They had been lucky so far to avoid most of its attacks and whenever they took serious damage Marcus who was keeping track of the battlefield would appear and cast a healing spell on them allowing them to get back into the battle.

Soon the elder magma elemental was getting worn down even with its natural hardiness and even as powerful as all of its attacks were its one default was its low agility.

As long as Marcus, Jarek, and Treasa kept on their toes and did not engage too closely to the elder magma elemental it was unable to hit with any of its big moves.

However, the three of them were starting to get worn down themselves since after every massive magma attack that the boss monster used the heat in the room increased and was already over the temperature at which water boiled.

Without Marcus’ fire resistance spell both Treasa and Jarek already would have already collapsed from the intense heat.

’Just a bit more.’ Marcus thought as he drank another mana recovery potion.

He currently had a bunch of spells active and was constantly draining his mana at a faster rate than his mana regeneration could keep up with and had already consumed ten mana recovery potions during the duration of the fight.

Becoming more and more infuriated as it was being worn down the elder magma elemental slammed both of its arms into the ground leaving it open to attacks as Jarek and Treasa began to go into a full assault hoping to take out the resilient boss monster before it could finish whatever attack it was using.

Unfortunately, as powerful as their attacks were, the elder magma elemental took all of their attacks before letting out a roar louder than any it had produced so far, and the room began to shake before plumes of magma began to blast up out of the ground throughout the entire area covering everything in magma.

To avoid the magma plumes coming from every direction Jarek activated his flying boots and took to the air although some of the magma still splashed up towards him and began to melt the radiance scales around him.

Treasa on the other hand had no convenient way to fly and had to simply jump into the air to avoid being melted but found that the elder magma elemental had followed her trajectory and a colossal ball of magma had formed around it and was about to be fired towards her.

Yet right before the boss monster incinerated Treasa, a being made of pure iron that stood twenty-five feet tall appeared next to the magma elemental.

Marcus’ iron golem which was now level forty-four due to his absurdly high spirit stat and was even larger than the elder magma elemental suck both of its arms into it and began squeezing causing the elder magma elemental’s magma ball to fly off course and just barely miss Treasa.

The elder magma elemental began thrashing around in the grasp of Marcus’ iron golem, and soon even the tough golem began to melt under the heat of the boss monster.

"Volution Barrage."

Having taken up a position above the elder magma elemental, Jarek began to send out rapid thrusts of his spear that was bursting with mana piercing through the elder magma elemental as it was still reeling from Marcus ’iron golem and was unable to fully defend against Jarek’s attack.

"Iron Wings of the Archangel."

Casting his tier five spell Marcus flew over to the falling Treasa and grabbed her before she fell onto the ground that was no covered in magma.

Unfortunately, he had to drop some of his other spells in order to cast his iron golem and iron wings leaving only fire resistance on Jarek and Treasa.

"Treasa, are you doing okay."

Nodding her head Treasa said, "Yeah just a bit burned I will be fine in a bit, how is the elder magma elemental, is it dead."

The two of them then cast their gaze towards the boss monster that looked like Swiss Cheese after Jarek’s relentless attack and was beginning to slump over seemingly defeated.


Letting out another yell the elder magma elemental began to glow brightly before all of the magma around it began to be sucked into its body and the area around it began to rapidly cool as it absorb all of the heat in the area restoring its body.

’Fuck.’ Marcus thought as he looked at the recovered magma elemental.

They had already exhausted themselves just to bring it down the first time but now it was back up though its glow seemed to be more diminished than it had been before.

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