Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 232 - 231 Finishing Blow

’Do we stay or do we go.’ Marcus thought as he looked at the elder magma elemental.

It certainly looked a bit weaker now after its recovery, but all of them were fairly exhausted and the only thing really going for them right now was that the room had cooled off tremendously after the elder magma elemental had absorbed most of the heat to restore itself.

"Treasa, do we have one last push in us or are we going to retreat, you are the leader so you decide."

Treasa began pondering what to do while looking around at the battlefield.

She could see that Jarek was huffing and puffing after using a bunch of big skills to try and finish the boss monster, and Marcus was certainly running low on mana and was near the limit of overdosing on mana recovery potions.

However, none of them had truly busted out their trump cards. Each and everyone of them had been holding back their best to keep enough in the tank to escape if necessary.

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So, was now the time to go all in or escape.

"Irene, do you have enough in you for one last spurt. I still have my trump card and you have not used any of your unique skills." Treasa said, with a discordant expression.

Thinking about it carefully Marcus believed they could win, the question was whether they could make it out unscathed or not.

Certainly, he figured worst case scenario he could escape, but he really did not want to leave Jarek or Treasa behind if he did not have to.

"We can do it. I can get off one last big move to bring it down. I just need you and Jarek to keep it occupied and do as much damage as you can for thirty seconds." Marcus said with resolved expression.

Nodding her head Treasa removed herself from Marcus’ grasp and landed on the now cooled floor before activating her evolved race ability, unleashed ferocity.

Her body began to shirking as her muscles became more compressed, her thick protective fur became thicker, and her hands and feet began to grow sharp claws.

Now exerting her full power Treasa rushed towards the elder magma elemental that was still trying to recover from their previous brutal assault.

However, now that Treasa was threatening it once again the elder magma elemental reared up and smashed its right foot into the ground causing numerous magma spikes to burst up from the ground towards her.

Grinding her claws into the ground Treasa abruptly changed directed narrowly avoiding the magma spikes as she swung her spiked chain ball at the boss monster.

Jarek seeing that Treasa was going all out gritted his teeth and rejoined the battle swooping down from the sar and sending out a number of thrusts towards the elder magma elemental.

’It’s time to see just how much stronger this attack is now.’

Pulling out his scythe and one last high tier mana recovery potion, Marcus first downed the potion bringing his mana reserves back up, though his being was beginning to suffer from the effects of too many potions.

With his mana rising Marcus watched as Treasa and Jarek continued to assault the elder magma elemental, but their movements were rapidly declining in speed and power.

’Just a little longer.’

Waiting for his mana to reach his peak all Marcus could do was hope that Jarek and Treasa could hold out until he was ready.


Feeling his mana return to an acceptable level Marcus turned his scythe over and began channeling an immense amount of mana into as it began to glow and shimmer.

He then activated the dual enchantment he had painstakingly worked into his scythe’s handle and blade as it began to crackle with electricity.

The scythe’s form began to change as what looked like a gun stock and trigger sprouted of the handle and the form of another blade appeared on the other side of the scythe which now looked like a crossbow.

"Iron Sphere."

Casting a heightened iron sphere spell Marcus shrunk the wreaking ball sized sphere of iron down to that of a large water melon before placing it in between the strips of lightning elemental crystal.

’Embodiment of Eclipse, Harmony Form.’

Activating his supreme skill Marcus began to crackle with light and darkness that fused together and gave him an incredible aura of power.

Unfortunately, Marcus’ sudden spike in power alerted the elder magma elemental as the person who had been in the background since the start of the fight suddenly felt like the most powerful threat the boss monster had even experienced.

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Letting out a powerful yell the elder magma elemental conjured a series of small magma spears that flew incredibly fast towards Marcus trying to kill him before he could unleash his big attack.

However, Marcus just stayed calm. Certainly, moving would disrupt his focus and distort the big attack he was trying to unleash, but he could just go ethereal right before the attack hit and just say it was another one of his unique skills.

Yet this is not what happened as Jarek who did not know about Marcus’ ethereal ability, jumped in front of the attack activating the enchantments on his shield and taking the brutal attack for Marcus.


Piercing his defenses three of the magma spears jammed into Jarek’s body, one piercing his left knee. the other in his right shoulder, but the last one had gone straight through his right lung.

Jarek then coughed up a spray of blood that turned into vapor as it was being evaporated from the heat the magma spears were emanating.

Clenching his teeth Marcus watched as Jarek fell right in front of him, having taken the attack meant for him, but he was not about to let his sacrifice be in vain.

"Extreme magnetism, Eclipse Railgun!"

Sending a huge amount of power from his embodiment of eclipse, Marcus enhanced the strength of his iron sphere, before firing it off with the power of his extreme magnetism spell and the powerful enchantment he had added to his scythe just to increase this attack’s power.

Flying forward at Mach Seven, the iron sphere enhanced by embodiment of eclipse created so much force that the ground in its trajectory began to tear apart and faster than the blink of an eye smashed straight through the elder magma elemental.

The iron sphere then smashed into the wall behind the elder magma elemental, and kept going creating a massive hole until it broke apart under the strain of its own force.

Even with its incredible toughness and high resistances the elder magma elemental had been basically blown apart.

Its form was just barely in a recognizable state as the magma that made up its body oozed all around it becoming unstable.

Yet the powerful boss monster still tried to keep itself together even after taking such an incredibly attack and began to reform.

Unfortunately for the boss monster, as it tried to get itself back together Tressa’s spiked chain ball came in from overhead and smashed it back into the ground, ending what little resistance the elder magma elemental could put up.

The boss monster its last struggle stamped out began to shrink and shrivel up, as the magma that was its body began to cool and harden and in the center of it, a compressed incredibly high-quality core reveled itself, proving that the elder magma elemental had died.

’You have leveled up to level forty-one.’

’You have leveled up to level forty-two.’

Receiving two level up notifications after defeating the boss monster, Marcus felt a sense of elation for just a moment before the pressing matter of Jarek dying came back into his mind.

Running over to him, Marcus was relived to see that Jarek was somehow still alive but parts of his armor had melted into him and he was certainly fading fast.

Luckily Treasa was not far behind Marcus and she had already pulled out the rare minor elixir she had in her possession.

She quickly pored the valuable potion onto Jarek’s most pressing wound and at the same time crushed the now solidified magma and pulled the spear out of him.

However, even with the powerful potion Jarek had taken a great amount of damage and the magma and mithril that had cooled had begun to fuse with his tissues.

’There is no other way.’

"Treasa I am going to do something that will save Jarek’s life but no matter what you are not allowed to watch. Run to the other end of the room and turn around."

Hesitating for a bit, Treasa did not want to leave her friend’s side but seeing the seriousness in Marcus’ face, turned around and ran towards the wall heading his words.

With Treasa now out of the way Marcus looked at Jarek and said, "I promised your wife I would make sure you got back alive so that your unborn child would not grow up without a father. So, I need you not to resist since this is the only way I can save you."

Marcus then went back into his ghost form and possessed Jarek.

At first there was some level of instinctual resistance, the original soul of a body never wishing to be overpowered, but soon the resistance faded and Jarek allowed the warm embrace of Marcus’ soul to take over.

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