Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 292 - 292 The Best Laid Plans

With his victory being declared Marcus let his tier six spell dissipate and turn back into mana, before flying down onto the ground.

This was the first time he had really used his cataclysmic iron sword and the amount of destructive power it had surprised even Marcus.

’I am glad I decided not to hit Gurrom directly with it.’

After seeing the ring complexly leveled and looking like a warzone, Marcus was certain had he not purposely missed Gurrom by a few feet, his friend would have been turned into a pulp.

That was just how much force had been behind even one swing from his cataclysmic iron sword spell.

Back on the ground Marcus immediately ran over to Gurrom to check on his condition, and when he arrived let out a sigh of relief to see he had no life threating injuries.

Certainly, he looked worse for wear with bruises and scrapes all over his body, along with a few broken bones, but he had managed to come out intact.

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Unfortunately, the same could not be said for his armor which was in tatters but, better it than him.

"Persistent healing."

Casting his tier four healing magic spell Marcus watched as Gurrom’s wounds slowly began to close, and once he was satisfied with Gurrom’s recovery he turned around and headed to exit the arena.

"Well folks, in all of my years I do not believe I have ever seen this level of destruction during our kingdom’s tournament. The ring and field around it are completely destroyed, far beyond anything we have had before. So, I would ask that everyone please be patient while our earth mages repair it." The referee slash announcer said anticipating the tournament’s delay and the crowd’s displeasure.

Still the ring was in shambles, and it would probably take them around an hour to fix even with all hands-on deck.

Luckily this did not really affect Marcus, though Mrazivy who’s match was supposed to be next certainly was surprised when in her waiting room she was told her match would be delayed since the ring had been completely destroyed.

Nevertheless, with the aid of magic the ring was soon fixed and the crowd’s anticipation for the next fight was growing.

"I again would like to apologize about the delay to everybody here, but after the tireless work of our staff the ring has been fixed and the days matches can now resume. And this next one is certainly not one to miss. On one side we have Lord Wyatt Mudak whose unknown magic won him the first match without lifting a finger. Then on the other side we have her highness, Princess Mrazivy Borealia."

The two competitors for the third round of the day then entered into the arena and the wound-up audience who had been waiting began a resounding cheer.

They had been waiting for quite a while now and were ready to watch some more carnage.

"Whenever you are ready, begin."

With the signal from the referee to start the match, Mrazivy immediately brought forth her mercurial ice and charged straight for her opponent with her sword drawn.

She planned on getting into close combat as soon as possible, since Wyatt was simply a pure mage and his close combat skills were lacking at best.

"Intellect Crush."

Yet before she could close the distance Mrazivy’s head suddenly started pounding like she had the worst migraine imaginable.

For her it suddenly felt like someone had turned on a jackhammer in her head and she had to abruptly stop to prevent throwing up from the pain.

"Mental Marionette."

Whispering another spell under his breath Wyatt reached out his hand using his psychic magic and attempted to take over Mrazivy’s mind that was already vulnerable from his first spell.


Screaming out in pain and distress Mrazivy’s head felt like it was on fire, and she collapsed onto the ground and began shaking violently while holding her head.

"I recommend you stop resisting. The more of a fight you put up the longer the pain will last. Just give in and everything will be much easier for you." Wyatt said in a soothing voice trying to stamp out the last dregs of Mrazivy’s resistance.

With the searing pain in her head and hearing the sweet voice telling her to give in and let everything go, Mrazivy nearly gave in when the image of Marcus flashed into her mind.

"Are you really just going to give up, I thought we had a plan already set? If you give up now, you are going to live the rest of your life miserable and with a vile man. You are better than that so get back up and win so that we can go all the way to the finals."

As the image of Marcus her mind created gave her a pep talk, Mrazivy felt her mind clear for just a moment and allowed her to take a decisive action.

Biting her own tongue hard enough to draw blood the physical pain she suddenly felt helped to wrestle her mind from the spells that Wyatt had cast.

"Would you just give it a rest all ready."

Becoming a bit frazzled that Mrazivy was still resisting him, Wyatt walked over planning to finish this with an even more powerful spell, when he felt the two he had already cast break.

He then looked down to see blood flowing out of Mrazivy’s mouth, and his eyes went wide as he saw the flash of her adamantine sword coming right for his face.

Ducking to the side Wyatt just barely avoided having his left eye skewered as Mrazivy had gone for the kill, her mind still a bit in disarray.

Yet even though he avoided a lethal blow, a part of his body slid off after being sliced through and blood erupted from the side of his face.

"Agh, my ear, you bitch you cut off my ear!"

With blood pouring down the side of his face, Wyatt’s normally calm demeanor was lost as the rage of pain made him lose his cool.

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And with his lapse of judgment Mrazivy who was fighting mostly on instinct at this point, reared back and thrust her sword forward again.

However, this time Wyatt was not caught off guard and using the enchantment on his scepter created a powerful barrier that blocked Mrazivy’s attack.

"Psychic Blast"

Manifesting the power of his mind into the world through his spell, Wyatt sent the created energy at Mrazivy blasting her back and allowing him to get some distance from her.

He now realized that he had gotten careless in approaching her and need to be more careful, since her resistance was stronger than he thought it would have been.

After being blasted across the ring, Mrazivy stumbled around for a few moments trying to stand up before using her unique skill as a crutch.

She still had a pounding headache not to mention the pain from biting her own tongue and taking Wyatt’s psychic blast.

’I am not going to lose here.’

Back on her feat Mrazivy directed her attention towards Wyatt who was currently casting a healing spell over his ear to stop the pain and bleeding.

Having her mercurial ice take the form of spears, Mrazivy fired them towards Wyatt while running at him with her sword ready.

"Short jump."

Right before the spears made from Mrazivy’s mercurial ice hit, Wyatt’s robe began to shimmer and expanded before encompassing him and disappearing.

Immediately Mrazivy recognized the space magic that had just been used via the robe Wyatt was wearing, and she could only wonder where he got such a valuable item from.

Unfortunately, she had no time to ponder this as she suddenly felt her opponent appeared right behind her.

Swinging around Mrazivy aimed to take Wyatt’s head off, taking nothing to risk and rather having to deal with the repercussions of upsetting his family than to lose.


Having turned around Mrazivy’s sword was only inches away from Wyatt’s throat when his spell restrained her.

Yet she struggled with all her might to break free, and the binds of Wyatt’s spell quickly began to fall apart, when he placed his hand right on Mrazivy’s head.

"Cerebral Shutdown."

Those were the last words that Mrazivy heard before her consciousness slipped from her body, and everything went dark.

"Mental marionette."

With Mrazivy’s conscious mind disabled, Wyatt had no problem taking control of her this time with his tier five spell, and now Mrazivy was his walking puppet that follow any of his orders.

"You fucking bitch." Wyatt yelled as he kicked Mrazivy in the stomach.

He was beyond livid about having his ear sliced off and now that he had control, he was going to get his revenge.

After kicking Mrazivy around for a bit, Wyatt had her stand back up and walk over to him.

"You know princess, I wonder if the people would still adore you if I messed up that pretty face of yours. Or maybe I should have you strip down and parade you around the arena for the whole kingdom to see."

Deciding why only do one or the other Wyatt controlled Mrazivy and had her start taking off her armor while he moved over to her face with a dagger in hand.

But right before he cut off one of Mrazivy’s ears, he received a telepathic communication from his father who was watching from his private box.

’Wyatt stop this foolishness now. Any further and I will not be able to protect you from the royal family’s wrath. They will not sit idly by if you mutilate and humiliate the princess. You have already won so just have her walk out of the ring and be done with it.’

Heading his father’s orders, Wyatt looked disdainfully at Mrazivy one last time before having her walk to the edge of the ring and with one last kick knocking her out.

Then after ten seconds the referee called the match announcing Wyatt as the winner.

Many cheers resounded through the arena at this, since while the royal family worked hard to keep the standard of living high, and the people safe in their kingdom, no ruler was without its critics.

Plenty of people were simply jealous of the royal family’s position and were more than happy to watch one of their members get beaten and humiliated.

Of course, many were also disturbed to watch Mrazivy who was actually a fairly well known and well-liked princess.


Running out of the stands and jumping into the middle of the arena, Marcus moved as fast as he could and arrived at Mrazivy’s side.

Immediately he cast a healing magic spell to fix the wounds she had received during her match with Wyatt frantically trying to help her.

Yet even as the healing magic repaired her body, Mrazivy who had fallen limp after Wyatt ceded control did not wake up.

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