Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 293 - 293 Marcus’ Distress

Back before Mrazivy’s defeat and Marcus rushing towards her side. As Wyatt had just begun to kick Mrazivy around after she had succumbed to his spell, Marcus had already stood up and was ready to charge into the arena.

Something inside him could not bear to watch Mrazivy being brutalized, and he was about to attempt to blast his way through the barrier and help her, when a powerful presence descended upon him and forced him back into his seat.

’Now, now. Keep your calm and stay in your seat. I have not seen enough of your abilities yet, so I cannot have you getting yourself disqualified right now.’

Marcus had no idea who this voice was coming from or why they were stopping him, but the amount of pressure being exerted on him felt like the weight of the world.

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No matter how much he struggled, he could not move an inch and the voice that had just talked to him said nothing more and did not respond to his cursing.

But the oppressive force receded as soon as the match was called, and with no time to worry about what had just happened Marcus jumped out of his seat and into the ring.

And now back in the present Marcus had just finished casting a healing magic spell on Mrazivy but she remained unconscious.

So, with Mrazivy still not waking up after he had healed her, Marcus quickly scooped her up and was distraught with what to do.

The person he was closest to in this world other than Lilia was currently unconscious and seemingly unresponsive.

"Lady Irene you cannot be down here, right now. Please place the princess down and the tournament’s healers will look her over." The referee said, looking displeased that Marcus had jumped into the center of the arena just after the conclusion of a match.

However, Marcus was feeling agitated by the whole situation and said, "Get out of my way or I will move you. I will take her to the infirmary myself, it will be much quicker that way."

Still even though what Marcus said was true the referee had a duty to uphold the rules and could not just let Marcus do what he wanted.

"Lady Irene, put her down and get out of my ring, or I will have you disqualified from the tournament. I do not know nor care why you are so desperate to help the princess, but just leave her to our healers and get out of here before you make me angry."

The tension in the air around the ref and Marcus was nearly tangible as he was getting ready to blow past the referee in his near hysterical condition.

Yet before they came to blows a hand suddenly appeared on Marcus’ shoulder and a familiar voice said, "Irene stop this foolishness. Mrazivy is simply unconscious from one of her opponent’s spells. She will wake up perfectly fine in a little while, so go ahead and give her to me and I will make sure she is comfortable."

Turning his head around Marcus saw Aria standing behind him looking at him sternly, but also with a confidence that made Marcus believe her.

"I understand please look after her." Marcus said as he handed over Mrazivy to her great grandmother.

After hearing her words of reason, Marcus whose mind had been clouded by panic and fear of losing someone close to him began to clear up.

He had not been thinking very rationally when he rushed in to help Mrazivy, and he should have tired to keep his cool better.

Once he had handed Mrazivy over to Aria, Marcus turned back towards the referee and bowed his head in apology before moving towards the exit of the arena and leaving post haste.

"Halgin thank you for not going off on Lady Irene there. I know you do not like it when people step on your authority as the referee."

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"Hm I am not that hot headed, but you are right that I would normally have just beaten any intruder out of my arena. But I have seen what she can do and my instincts tell me there is something dangerous about her." Halgin said as he glanced over at Marcus who was just exiting the arena’s center.

"Yes, that was probably for the best. Now I need to take Mrazivy here to someplace comfortable. She is liable to have a horrible headache and feel quite down when she wakes up."

With having deescalated the situation Aria walked out the opposite direction as Marcus, with Mrazivy in her arms.

Then once she was out of view of the audience, she seemingly vanished into thin air as she warped away.

Smashing his hand into the side of the tunnel within the arena, Marcus put a large hole in the wall and caused cracks to form out from where he had hit it.

He was currently full of rage and the target he wanted to take it out of was out of his reach for now.

’For all the planning and practice we went through, we never anticipated Mrazivy would lose here. Damn it, I should have been there with her, instead of going back up into the stands.’

Finding no one else he could blame; Marcus was now taking his anger out on himself.

He should not have just unconditionally believed that Mrazivy would win the next round and the two of them would be able to use their little charade after he through their match.

’I am such an idiot.’ Marcus thought as he smashed his head against the wall.

’I should not have cared that it might look suspicious if I did not appear in the stands after my match. I saw that guy in his first match and knew he used some type of special magic. I should have been there for her.’

After smashing up the walls of the tunnel and berating himself for a minute, Marcus reverted to his ghost form and began floating up when he noticed that the next competitor was coming through.

He then floated back to the floor of the stands that were reserved for competitors, and went to sit down and watch the rest of the matches.

Of course, he was not really paying much attention as his mind kept wandering to Mrazivy’s condition, but he trusted that Aria would make sure she was alright.

He knew that right now there was nothing he could do for her, and that worrying would not get him anywhere.

Yet he could still not get the sight of Mrazivy being kicked around out of his mind and soon began planning on how he was going to pummel Wyatt when they faced off in the next match.

However, he was soon interrupted when from behind he heard, "Lady Irene could I have a moment of your time."

Turning around Marcus saw Diana standing there, and when she saw that she had gotten Marcus’ attention said, "If you would not mind following me, her highness would like to speak with you now that she has awoken."

Standing up with haste Marcus practically warped over to Diana and said, "Okay, take me to her."

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