Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 482 War’s End


‘You have leveled up to level forty-nine.’

‘You have leveled up to level fifty.’

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‘Three blessings detected, level fifty requirement achieved, initializing upgrade.’

As soon as Lyra finished off Cibor, Marcus received two level up notifications, as the experience for defeating Cibor was quite high, and he had already been close to reaching level forty-nine before the start of the battle.

Also, he got another about his blessings being upgraded for reaching level fifty, though he disregarded this for now, since there were more pressing matters to deal with.

Of course, Marcus was not the only one who leveled up off of defeating the strongest man in Tralenstein, as everyone else went up at least one level..

However, there was no rejoicing as Lyra cried, having killed her former master who had shown his regrets in the end.

During their battle, it had been quite obvious that Cibor was struggling to continue fighting for the king after he had blown up the entire capital other than the castle.

Still, in the end, none of them could understand exactly what Cibor was thinking as he fought, but it was over now.

Walking up to Lyra, Marcus put a hand on her shoulder, and his old friend looked up at him with watery eyes full of sadness.

Certainly, she had wanted revenge against the king for killing her parents, but that did not make it any easier for her to kill the man that had trained her to be strong.

Lyra then hugged Marcus looking for comfort in the person who was now probably the closest she had left in this world.

Returning her hug, Marcus patted her on the back of the head and did all he could to make her feel more at ease.

Unfortunately, their time to rest did not last long as Marek said, “We need to keep going. It seems that Argus is finished with his battle, but we do not know what state he is in. And more importantly, we still need to secure the king.”

Quickly gathering themselves, Marcus, Lyra, Mrazivy, Marek, and Verona, began walking through the rubble that was all that was left of this area of the castle, and approached the only room that had survived their battle with Cibor, and Argus’ battle with Rosly.

Yet, as they got closer, they saw Argus, coming out of the room, and in one of his hands he was dragging the king, who was battered and broken.

Taking the lead, Marek walked up to Argus who had a smile on his face and said, “I have captured and incapacitated Cyryl. Also, Rosly and Kellam are dead, though there is not much left of either of them.”

Argus then threw the king at the feet of Marek and said, “You are the leader, so it makes the most sense if you are the one to parade this sorry tyrant in front of the people. I am sure that everyone will be happy to hear that the war is over.”

Nodding his head, Marek picked the king up, and though the man’s arms were broken, and he was in rough shape, he still used some adamantine manacles, just to make sure that the king did not attempt any surprise escape.

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Though before they began moving towards the front of the castle where the rest of the battles were winding down, Lyra, backhanded the king with her closed fist using as much force as she could muster.

Naturally, the king’s jaw broke and around a half dozen of his teeth flew out of his mouth from the power behind Lyra’s hit, since the king was only level forty-four and not a fighter by any means.

Of course, with the rage in her eyes, it was quite obvious that she wanted to kill the king right here and now, but she knew that she would have to wait a bit longer before the person who sentenced her parents to death would meet his end.

After that, Marek looked towards the throne room and said to Argus, “What of the king’s family, and retainers? Did they flee or are they still in the throne room?”

“Ah, yes. I already took care of them, so no need to worry about that.” Argus said

Understanding what Argus meant, Marek turned his head away, back towards the front of the castle and said, “Let us get going, it is time to put an end to this war.”

The seven of them then quickly made their way through the castle, until they arrived at the entrance, where the last bits of fighting were still going on.

Currently, Ziemia and her contracted spirit Grunt, were holed up in one of the castle’s towers with around two thousand soldiers, and were providing the last resistance that was left for those loyal to the king.

However, as soon as Marek came out dragging the king along in chains, this last little bastion of troops saw that their leader had been captured.

“To all those that can hear me, I announce the end of this war. King Cyryl has been captured, and both the former rank one and rank two great knights are dead. The tyranny of an unjust king who has led us to dethrones him is over, and now it is time to end the fighting and rebuild our kingdom to be better than it ever has been before.” Marek said, into a magic item that amplified his voice, throughout the entire castle.

Then after giving a few moments for everything he had said to sink in, he continued his speech.

“To all those that fought for the king, I ask that you lay down your arms and surrender. We do not wish for any more bloodshed, and you have my word that those that give up peacefully will not be harmed or treated unfairly. We are all citizens’ of Tralenstein and there is no need for any more to die today”

Hearing this many of the soldiers that were still supporting the king and had already all but been defeated dropped their weapons and surrendered.

They knew that this was the end and losing their lives over pointlessly fighting was not going to accomplish anything.

However, there was one person who was not willing to take this lying down, and Ziemia shot towards Marek in a rage.

Her family had long been protectors of the capital and the royal family, and she felt it was her duty to fight to the end for the king she pledged allegiance to.

Unfortunately, for her, as she left the defensible position of the tower she was in, a barrage of spells and attacks came her way. And even as strong as she was, it did not take long before she was taken down, as Francis delivered the finishing blow with his blade.

After that, no more resistance came, as anyone loyal to the king knew that it would just be suicide to try and fight back. Especially with what they had just seen happened to Ziemia who was the strongest fighter they had left.

Finally, the war was now truly over, and the liberation that had started out as just a handful of people, had won over the king and a system that oppressed and took advantage of the common people.

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