Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 483 A New Order

After the Liberation had won the war for the royal capital and defeated the king’s forces and captured the former ruler, it was time to rebuild the nation.

First, almost every one of the citizens in the capital were left without a home after the king had desperately blown it up in an attempt to stop the liberation.

Therefore, it was paramount that the liberation offered their assistance to the people they had fought so hard for and had been abandoned by those that were originally meant to protect them.

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Luckily, with the support of Borealia who had already highly ingrained itself with the liberation which were now the true rulers of Tralenstein, everyone’s basic needs were able to be met.

Of course, the support that Borealia had provided had not been cheap, and the king had emptied out around seventy percent of the royal family’s coffers to fund the liberation.

Still that investment was soon going to pay off, as now that Tralenstein was going to be ruled by one of the king of Borealia’s wives, the kingdoms would become very close nit, and within around two decades would begin to merge into an even greater nation..

However, before Daniela could become Queen of Tralenstein, Cyryl would have to lose his position as king, one way or another.

And naturally, the way that he was going to be dethroned was by execution, since he had already refused to pass on the title willingly.

It was one week after the liberation’s victory, and the capital city was beginning to show just a bit more semblance of normalcy, as ruble and bodies had been cleared away by the tireless efforts of the soldiers that had been a part of the liberation and the citizens themselves.

Being dragged up onto a newly made stage in the center of the city, Cyryl looked down bitterly at all of the people that had gathered to watch his execution.

Yet, there was nothing he could do now. He was surrounded on all sides by powerful fighters, such as Argus, and Marek, with no hope of escaping or some type of rescue.

“Today, we bring an end to the rule of Cyryl Tralenstein who has been convicted of treason, tyranny, and murder. Even being the king of a nation does not give one the right to treat it and its people as if it were their property to do with as they wish. King Cyryl’s rule started bloody with the systematic murder of his family, and it had progressed in the same manner to the very end. However, the final straw was when he unjustly murdered the former Duchess and Duke Augustyn, along with a number of other popular nobles who ruled justly under a system that promoted injustice. And as we have looked deeper into this matter, we have found that the Whispers, the king’s former intelligence organization, had falsified the evidence that had been used to kill these noble men and women.”

Marek then paused for a moment as the people began getting riled up and were booing at the king. Some of them even throwing things in his direction. Though nothing hit him due to the barrier that had been erected around the stage to prevent any of the king’s supporter’s from trying to rescue him.

Of course, the people were rightfully angry with the man who had been the ruler of their kingdom, as he had used the capital city as a bomb, and for almost a minute most of those gathered had actually been dead.

Raising his hand to calm the people down, Marek quickly brought the area back to silence, before saying, “Now it is time for Cyryl to meet the same fate as those that he so easily disregarded and killed without hesitation.”

He then motioned to Lyra, who was standing off to the side, and she walked up to the chopping block where Cyryl was being held down.

She had demanded that she be the one to perform the execution in order to get justice for her parents. And after all she had done everyone eventually agreed to grant her this wish.

“Do you have any last words.” Marek asked to Cyryl as Lyra held aloft a ceremonial sword that had been crafted just for his execution.

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Nevertheless, even in the face of his impending death, the king said nothing, holding his head down and waiting for his inevitable fate.

A part of him wanted to yell and scream at the people who had denounced him.

Truly he felt that he had been a good ruler in his own mind.

However, as much as the anger and rage was building up inside him, Cyryl did not want to give anyone the satisfaction of watching him rave like a mad dog.

And even in his last few seconds of life, he never once had any thoughts of regret as he believed that he had done what was right and expected of him as king.

After giving the king a few more moments to speak, Marek nodded his head towards Lyra, who brought her blade down on the king’s head.

With one clean chop, the king’s head flew off, and marked the end of king Cyryl Tralenstein.

Quickly, a large cloth was placed over Cyryl’s now headless body, and what was left of him was swiftly dragged away.

Then without missing a beat, Daniela moved to center stage and said, “People of Tralenstein, my brother’s rule is over and now it is time to usher in a new era of peace and prosperity. I know that things have been and will be difficult for some more time. But I promise to do my best to raise this kingdom from the shambles my brother has left it in. Now if you should wish me to be your new ruler, give me your support and I shall return it to you two-fold. This kingdom’s leaders shall no longer exploit the people, but work to protect them. I promise you this as the new ruler of Tralenstein”

Once Daniela had finished her speech, she held aloft the device that would recognize the ruler of a nation, and a golden light began to wrap around her.

Rapidly this golden light formed into a crown over Daniela’s head, as she was recognized as being the next monarch, as she overwhelmingly had the support of the people that lived within Tralenstein.

This was the second method for crowning a new ruler instead of the title being passed down.

If a single individual was able to be recognized as by the majority of the people living within an area, they could take the title of king or queen.

In fact, this was exactly what had happened with Boreas many centuries ago, when he had liberated the territory of Borealia and became its first king.

As Daniela ascended to become the new queen of Tralenstein, the people cheered and rejoiced for their new ruler.

At the same time Daniela was hit with a huge amount of new information as she became to monarch of the territory that was within the kingdom of Tralenstein.

However, before she had time to unpack anything else, she heard a voice in her head that said, “So you are the new ruler. Come to my home in three weeks’ time after you have stabilized things. We have much to discuss.”

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