Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 484 Marcus’ Rewards

Once the execution for Cyryl had been completed and Daniela had become the official ruler of Tralenstein recognized by the system, the crowd of people began to disperse, going back to their daily lives.

There was still a great deal of work to be done to rebuild this city from ruins it had been left in, but with everyone’s efforts progress was being made.

However, now that she had become queen there was an important matter that needed to be addressed quickly, and Daniela walked over to where, Marcus, Mrazivy, and Marek were waiting and said, “It is time that we all keep up our end of the bargain with my husband. Now that I am the queen, I should be able to access the vault within the castle.”

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Hearing this, both Marcus and Mrazivy perked up, and looked at each other with greedy expressions.

For their hard work during this civil war on behalf of Borealia’s interests, they had been promised certain items out of the castle’s vault.

Of course, it had actually been Gwyneira who had pushed for this and not the king who had actually ordered Mrazivy home at first. But in the end, it was decided that they deserved rewards for the efforts that they had put in.

Yet what Marek said next lowered their spirits..

“Hm, it might be possible that before he was captured the king had the items within the vault taken away. When we get there, all we may find is empty space.”

Both Mrazivy and Marcus looked at Marek with devastated expressions, since if the vaults were empty, they were going to end up with a whole lot of nothing.

Luckily Daniela came in and said, “I think it is unlikely that he took everything out. From what you and Argus told me, I do not believe my brother thought he was going to lose until the very end. So, I believe that the vault will still have at least some of its contents remaining, since we already confirmed that its defenses are still functioning.”

Nodding their heads, Marcus and Mrazivy, wanted to believe in Daniela, since what they were to be getting for their rewards were quite valuable.

“Hey Jadzia, we are going to go and look at the vault, did you want to come with us.” Marcus asked to his friend, hoping to offer his support since he could tell she was in a complicated state emotionally.

Of course, this was to be expected due to the fact that she had just killed the man she attributed to her mother and father’s deaths.

“No, you all go on head. I just want to be alone for a little while.” Lyra said before walking aimlessly away, going to fine a quiet spot where she could think.

Looking back at his friend as she walked away, Marcus had a conflicted expression on his face, but Mrazivy whispered to him, “Just let her go for now. She needs some time to be on her own. When she is ready, she will come an open up to you.”

After that, Marcus and Mrazivy followed along with Marek and Daniela towards the castle’s vault.

It was one of the few places left standing after the battles that had been waged inside, but its powerful protections that had been second only to the throne room kept it intact.

“Well, here goes nothing.” Daniela said once they arrived.

She then used the magic device that gave her power as the monarch of Tralenstein, and deactivated the magical formations around the vault.

Quickly the secure installation began to open up, responding to Daniela’s commands.

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Walking inside, the four of them all let out sighs of relief, as they noticed that the vault had not been ransacked and most everything was still inside.

Though it did appear that a number of things had been taken out by the king, likely in order to strengthen his forces or protect himself.

“What the two of you are looking for should be in the back from what I know. Though this is my first time in here, so I only know what my father told me.” Daniela said as she led the way into the vault.

Heading deeper in, both Marcus and Mrazivy could see that this vault was similar to Borealia’s, except that it was quite a bit smaller, and the entire thing had not been made out of adamantine.

Still as interesting as everything around them was, both of them were here for some of the most exceptionally rare items which were stored within another even more secure location.

Soon they made it to the inner vault, which was really just a small locker, and Daniela after fiddling with it for a few minutes got it open.

“As per mine and Marek’s agreement with my husband, all of the unique skill orbs, mythic grade magical beast parts, and amethros ingots will be handed over to the kingdom of Borealia.” Daniela said as she took out a few of the magic bags within the vault and handed them over to Marcus.

Taking these bags, Marcus could almost feel the weight of the value inside each, imagining that he was holding millions of gold coins.

Of course, in a way he was, since each of the items within these bags were worth over one hundred thousand gold coins just by themselves.

However, there was one that held Marcus’ interest the most, and he handed the others over to Mrazivy as he opened up one specific bag and pulled out its contents.

In his hands, Marcus now stared almost mesmerized at the shining purple metal he was holding.

‘It was all worth it.’ Marcus thought as he caressed the three ingots of amethros he had just pulled out.

These three ingots were one of and the main reward he had been promised for all he had done in advancing Borealia’s goal in obtaining Tralenstein.

And while just three ingots may not have seemed like much, each one of them would be considered priceless, and in many cases more valuable than even a unique skill orb.

That was just how powerful the items made from Amethros were.

Tapping on, staring intently at, and even biting on these ingots, Marcus began examining the amethros with his entire focus, as this was the first time he had gotten his hands on the material in its raw form.

To this point he had only ever been able to examine just two weapons made out of this exceedingly rare metal, one, being James’ lance, and more recently Marek’s tonfas.

‘Yes, just as I thought, its ability to absorb and circulate mana is about three times higher than adamantine just in their base forms. However, once enchantments are added, depending on materials and skill level, even a top tier adamantine weapon might only be a fourth as strong as an average amethros weapon.’ Marcus thought, having gone into full forgemaster mode.

Yet, it was not long until he was snapped out of his engrossment, as Mrazivy said, “Marcus take back the rest of these bags. I want to get what I was promised as well. Anyway, you also need to pick out a some of the materials from the mythic grade beasts.

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