Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 585 The Dread Burrower’s Power

With Retharin’s full power attack having done next to nothing other than slowing the Doomsday Worm down for a few seconds. It just showed how powerful and outmatched they were.

This monster’s regenerative abilities made Marcus’ look like the average healing a normal person would have.

Its entire head had been blown off and the rest of its body severely damaged, yet it bounced back to its full form in just a matter of seconds.

Once it was full recovered it continued its charge through the Great Gome Woods and sucked up all the life within several dozen miles of it.

“Retharin, I would recommend that you conserve your energy. If we were strong enough to kill it with one attack this would be easy. For now, we should focus on just stalling it from advancing while waiting for more people to arrive.” Gwyneira said as she flew up beside the mythic grade gryphon.

Of course, she had actually tried the same thing earlier and had about the same results that Retharin did, but she was not going to admit this to him.

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“Yeah fine. I just had to see if I could take it down though.” Retharin said with a disgruntled tone.

“So, what is the plan.”

Quickly the two powerful beasts that sat near the pinnacle of power in the is world began discussing what to do, and soon came up with a decent strategy to slow this monster down.

Going into action, Gwyneira opened her mouth and a beam of cold energy shot out as she used her breath attack.

Aiming just in front of the Dread Burrower she created a massive wall of ice in its path to prevent it from continuing forward..

Still the ice wall did little to dissuade its single-minded advance south as it lifted its head up and it unfurled into a giant circular mouth.

Inside this mouth were rows and rows of spiky teeth, and in the middle deep inside was a glowing red and yellow eye.

The teeth inside its mouth began spinning around like a drill and it plunged its head through the ice and continued on like nothing was in its way.

It had not gained the name the Dread Burrow for nothing, and pretty much no sort of physical barrier could stop its advance.

Nevertheless, this was only the first part of Gwyneira and Retharin’s strategy as the large gryphon went into action himself.

Creating a two-thousand-foot-long blade made of wind, he carved down the right side of the colossal worm. Aiming for the muscles in its body that allowed it to move in order to prevent it from continuing forward.

Its body temporally not being able to expand and contract, the Doomsday Worm began to slow down as Retharin continuously hacked through its muscles.

Unfortunately, it regenerated so fast that he could not prevent it from moving entirely, but he did prevent it from continuing at full speed.

Flying down from the sky Gwyneira landed on top of the large wall of ice she had created and pushed down.

She had a skill that allowed her to control ice and snow freely, and she used it to compress the ice around the Dread Burrower.

This added another level of restriction to its movements, and as she strained herself to keep it in place.

Then for the first time, they were able to get the monster to come to a complete stop.

However, any joy this brought did not last long, as it soon became clear that their enemy did not stop because it could no longer move, but because it was finally preparing to attack.

Up to this point it had honesty seen Retharin and Gwyneira as just annoyances. But as they worked together, they moved up from annoying to insufferable.

It had only a single instinctual drive, and that was to consume until nothing was left. Therefore, anything that got in its way became the top of its priority to eat.

A red glow began to envelope its body, and the pattern of circles that ran up and down the length of its body began to shimmer.

Then after a few moments the flesh around these areas peeled back away like a shutter being opened, and thousands of tendrils made out of a green viscous liquid began to sprout out of its body.

Spreading out in every direction these tendrils locked onto any life sign within around a hundred miles and began attacking them.

Small insects, the few beasts that lived in this part of the woods, and the plant life itself were attacked.

The tendrils would wrap around anything living and encase it in their viscous liquid, before dragging it back towards its main body.

Though while it was targeting all life around it, its main targets quickly became Gwyneira and Retharin.

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The two of them both began flying around rapidly as thousands of tendrils that could stretch on for miles exploded towards them.

Encasing her body in ice, Gwyneira used one of her unique skills called subzero armor. This lowered the temperature around her to nearly below absolute zero and boosted her defense dramatically.

This made it so that any of the tendrils coming after her were frozen solid before they could make contact.

At the same time Retharin was crackling with lighting that blasted through and evaporated the tendrils that were chasing him.

Still, this prevented them from being able to focus on stopping the Doomsday Worm, which had continued moving at full speed and was now causing far more damage than it had before.

Until it had been pushed by the two mythic grade beasts it was still in a state of almost hibernation. But the combination of Retharin’s blast and then the tag team of the two of them had caused it to fully wake up a bit earlier than it wanted to.

It was still collecting the energy from the surrounding life and for it had not even really eaten an appetizer yet.

But there were two morsels full of energy flying around it, and now they had the majority of its attention as it tried to ensnare and devour them.

Within only a few seconds it managed to stop Gwyneria’s movements by simply overwhelming her and surrounding her with thousands of its tendrils.

While each of them froze before coming in contact with her, they were still a relentless force that continued to pile up around her and prevent her from moving.

Spinning her body around rapidly she shot through the mass of frozen tendrils breaking through them as she left a sonic boom in her wake.

Yet as she broke out having followed the path of least resistance. right in front of her was the wide-open mouth of the dread Burrower.

Its two-mile-wide maw was spread out and it lurched its head forward to swallow Gwyneira whole.

Changing her momentum and moving to the side, she tried to avoid being eaten, but even as fast as she was, there was no way she was going to make it.

She could tell that she would be caught right on the edge of its mouth and shredded by its innumerable razor-sharp teeth.

‘Quasar Blast, and Rending Void.’

Channeling his tier six light magic and darkness magic spells through his focusing lenses, Marcus created a huge spiraling blast of the two energies and shot them right into the side of the Dread Burrow’s head.

When the powerful blast of light and darkness hit, it knocked the colossal monster’s head to the side ever so slightly and gave Gwyneira just enough room to avoid being caught in its mouth.

Just barely having escaped death, Gwyneira flew fast and high, moving outside the Doomsday Worm’s range in order to recover for a few moments.

However, as Gwyneira strategically retreated for the moment, this led the Dread Burrower to lock onto a new target.

With a huge hole in the side of its head where Marcus’ attack had hit it, the enormous worm turned towards Marcus.

In just a few instances the damage he had caused healed over, and he just floated their frozen in terror, as he now had a level ninety-four monster’s attention.

Its glowing red and yellow eye stared at him, and suddenly he felt some sort of pulse hit his body and try to take over his mind.

Feelings of destruction started to creep into his thoughts, and he suddenly wanted to begin doing as the worm was and devour all life.

But the powerful mental coercion quickly began to fade, as his sound mind unique skill freed him from the monster’s maddening eye.

Unfortunately, as soon as it realized that its domination attack had failed, its near endless tendrils began surrounding Marcus and left him no room for escape.

He was completely surrounded by and endless sea of the viscous liquid that made up the Dread Burrower’s tendrils, and they quickly began to shirking around him.

Normally this would have been the end for any creature, but for Marcus it was barely and inconvenience.

Going into his ghost form he became intangible and passed right through the tendrils that had surrounded him and flew out the other side.

As soon as it realized that its prey had escaped it began scanning around for it, but Marcus was nowhere to be found.

This upset the Doomsday Worm, as to it, Marcus looked like a most tantalizing meal, and it wanted to eat him above all else.

The gigantic monster began trashing about, causing the equivalent of a magnitude eight earthquake with itself at the epicenter.

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