Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 586 Unwinnable Battle

As the Doomsday worm thrashed about, its hulking form caused the ground to crack and shake all around it.

Large pieces of earth shot up around it and launched in every direction, and the forest even outside of the vile monster’s range began to be upturned by the seismic waves it was creating just by throwing a tantrum.

It had the ability to infect the minds of others and it had tried to get Marcus under its control in order send him out to destroy as well.

This by far its must horrid ability as it would tear an area apart, and anything like was lucky enough to survive was driven to madness to continue destroying.

Then once its thralls had done their job it would eventually circle back around and eat them as well.

Its only goal was to devour everything, and it would stop at nothing to do so.

Unfortunately for it, Marcus was not easily swayed by mind control and could disappear from it, causing it to fail to ensnare him or get him as meal.

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Letting out a bellowing cry it was obvious that the Dread Burrower was furious, and with the prey it wanted gone it turned its attention back towards Gwyneira and Retharin.

It continued its assault of thousands of tendrils on the two mythic grade beasts, keeping them from mounting any sort of effective offensive while having to fly around just to avoid being caught.

However, as Retharin was unleashing hundreds of bolts of lightning around himself to keep the tendrils off, the Doomsday Worm locked onto him and contracted its body.

With a flash of speed it had not shown before, it suddenly shot out like a spring and launched its entire body into the air..

As it did this the already destroyed earth around it broke and splinted even more, and a massive crater like a huge asteroid had hit was left in its place.

Suddenly finding himself the target of the gigantic worm, Retharin surrounded himself with wind and lightning and shot forward straight into its mouth.

He could tell there was no escape so he met the attack head one.

The instant he entered the area of the monster’s mouth it closed around him and made a resounding sonic boom.

Yet only a second after he had been eaten, Retharin burst out from inside the Doomsday Worm.

He had used his own momentum and power to carve through its body and sliced and blasted it from the inside.


As the limp form of the Dread Burrower hit the ground, its weight that was nearly a hundred million tons caused it to sink deep into the curst of the world and it created another powerful earthquake through the area.

However, the gigantic worm was not the only one injured as Retharin did not escape his trip into its mouth in one piece.

Both of his wings had been torn off, and his front to limbs were dissolved into nothing the second they touched the potent acid within the Doomsday Worm’s body.

Along with that he had deep lacerations all along his body and was covered all over in blood and bile.

Quickly his momentum began to wane, and he crashed into the ground where he carved a deep trench in it, as his terribly injured form was unable to create any resistance.

When Retharin finally came to a stop, all he could feel was pain an blood and organs gushed out of his open wounds and mouth.

Even a mythic grade magical beast like him could not take this kind of damage lightly, as he had taken the full might of a monster that was truly beyond him.

“Don’t Worry Retharin, I will have you fixed up soon.” Marcus said as he reappeared next to the broken gryphon.

Of course, Retharin’s regeneration was already kicking in, but the damage was great, and with Marcus’ spirit healing his wounds began closing faster as well as a calming and numbing effect coming over him.

Marcus’ spirit healing felt quite gentle and comforting, and for just a moment Retharin forgot where he was.

Unfortunately, that blissful moment did not last long as he saw thousands of the Doomsday Worm’s tendrils coming right for them.

It had healed incredibly quickly and in only a matter of seconds after Retharin had torn and blasted apart its insides, it was back up to full health.

Naturally as soon as it was in peak condition again, it sent its tendrils to finish the job and capture the meal that had just escaped it.

“Irene, behind you!” Retharin said with urgency in his voice while coughing up gallons of blood.

Turning around Marcus saw the viscous green tendrils coming right for him and the injured Retharin.

Gritting his teeth, he prepared to take them on and began collecting all over the power he had.

‘Embodiment of Eclipse, Harmony Form.’

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Activating his supreme skill, his body was surrounded by a powerful aura of light and darkness that swirled around him.

‘Ravenous Abyss, Radiance Scales.’

Casting two tier five spells, he aimed to resist the oncoming onslaught of tendrils while he finished healing Retharin.

Still, his magics while very powerful for his level, were wholly outmatched in this battle, and his ravenous abyss lasted all of a quarter of a second before being snuffed out an crushed.

Its dozens of hands of darkness barely were able to hold off the Dread Burrow’s tendrils for an instance, and it met its demise without putting up much resistance.

Marcus’ radiance scales spell on the other hand fared a bit better, as it blocked the first few tendrils without giving an inch.

These tendrils did not have much force behind them, and their lethality came from their numbers and viscosity that could adhere to and wrap around anything.

Nevertheless, Marcus’ tier five defensive magic spell began to crack once around two hundred tendrils had wrapped around it and began contracting.

Quickly the spell began to break apart, and after just six seconds it had been completely destroyed and the tendrils made their way towards Marcus and Retharin.

‘Let’s see what this thing can really do.’

Holding up his left hand while he kept his right on Retharin and counited healing him, Marcus began heating up rapidly.

He was letting loose all of the power within the blaze glove that had been lent to him, along with his own.

“Phoenix Fire.”

As he cast the tier seven spell within the blaze glove a burning aura surrounded him and formed into the form of a gargantuan flaming bird.

Instantly the tendrils around them vaporized from the heat of this powerful spell.

Then Marcus shot the spell forwards and the fire that had taken the form of a phenix flew through the thousands of tendrils surrounding them and right for the Doomsday Worm.

But as powerful as this tier seven spell fired off with everything Marcus had was, it still came far short of ever reaching its target.

After burning through thousands of tendrils for around two miles, all of its energy was exhausted and Marcus and Retharin were once again left open.

‘Damn it. How much longer am I going to need to finish healing all of the damage done to him.’ Marcus thought as he poured out his spiritual energy around Retharin to speed up his healing.

Continuously casting spells while focusing on healing Retharin, Marcus was just barely able to keep the two of them from being hit.

Of course, he was not alone in his actions to protect Retharin, as Gwyneira was also focusing her attacks on the tendril surrounding them in order to keep some of the pressure off.

Sadly, she had her own problems to deal with as well. Thousands of tendrils chased her around the sky, so she was only able to fire off the occasional attack on a fly by to give Marcus a slight bit more breathing room.

“Irene, go ethereal now!” Retharin yelled as the tendrils were about to overwhelm him.

Closing his eyes and feeling a pit of despair in his stomach, he did as Retharin said and disappeared.

The dozens of tendrils that were about to wrap around him passed through nothing and began coiling around in search of the being that was there just a second ago.

However, Marcus was now out of their reach and could not be ensnared, so they moved onto the next target.

Looking back Marcus watched Retharin lift his still injured form off the ground and began crackling with wind and lighting.

His wings were still not fully restored so he was unable to fly very well. That meant all he could do was stand and fight with what energy he had left.

He blew apart thousands of tendrils that came for him, but eventually he was overwhelmed and even his power began to reach its limits.

As soon as the first tendril latched onto him more followed, and while he ripped them apart and blasted them off his body it took only a matter of seconds for him to be entangled.

This was the power of the Doomsday Worm, an unrelenting force that kept after its targets until it had eaten them with no hope of beating it.

Thrashing around Retharin tried to break free, but he was completely surrounded and restrained with his mana and stamina already running on empty.

In fact, he could not even recover as usual, as the tendrils sucked his mana and life force out of him.

Marcus and Gwyneira tried to help set hm free, but the Dread Burrow was intent on claiming its prize and did everything it could to keep the two of them from helping Retharin.

It seemed that the end had come for the long lived and powerful mythic grade beast, as he was going to be eaten by a monster much stronger than he was.

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