Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 587 New Arrival

‘Eclipse Meteor.’

With Retharin captured by the Doomsday Worm and begin dragged back to its main body, Marcus took drastic action.

He had tried firing off spells to sever the mass of tendril that had grabbed ahold of his ally, but the Doomsday Worm was intent of capturing its prey.

It was sending thousands of its tendrils towards Marcus to prevent him from interfering, and to try and capture him as well.

Unfortunately, it could not get a grip on Marcus as he could go ethereal before being caught, but it still did prevent him using any attacks to save Retharin.

That was until he used his eclipse meteor while going into his ghost form.

This was the first time he had ever done anything like this, and he was not sure if it would work, but he had to try.

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He easily slipped through the mass of tendrils as he was intangible, and when he was just a few feet away from Retharin he reappeared.


With a resounding explosion of light and darkness he hit he tendrils that had completely engulfed the mythic grade gryphon and blew them away.

Then he turned towards Retharin and moved to grab his large form and try and drag him away.

Yet right before he made contact with him, hundreds of tendrils burst up from the ground and surrounded both of them..

For an instance Marcus was grabbed by them, and he immediately felt himself being drained.

Quickly he went back into his ghost form, but he felt terrible after having been grabbed for just a moment.

As for Retharin, he had long since gone unconscious and his life was steadily being drained away.

Just an instant latter Gwyneira began flying around and her body formed into a ring, as she began spinning around in the air rapidly.

“Aurora Force.”

Using her strongest ability, she activated her attack supreme skill that she could only use once every three days.

This was by far her most powerful attack, and a blast of bluish green light shot out form her and hit the Dread Burrower.

Ice quickly began to form over its entire thirty-mile-long body and all of its tendril froze solid in a massive glacier.

When she had stopped spinning around Gwyneira was breathing heavily, and her normally lustrous scales seemed to have gotten duller.

This supreme attack of hers took quite a bit out of her, and truthfully, she had been saving it in hopes of using it as a finishing move once more of their forces were here.

However, there was simply no way that she could just let Retharin die, as his power was absolutely necessary if they wanted to win.

They simply could not afford to lose anyone this early in the battle, and certainly not one of their heaviest hitters.

‘When was the last time I actually felt this tired and was pushed this hard.’ Gwyneira thought

For over a century now she had pretty much not engaged in any battles and had just been lounging around the castle waiting for Boreas to return.

She had been too content with the power she had, and made little progress in advancing herself for quite some time.

Still her strongest attack seemed to have done the job, and it appeared to have brought them at least a few moments of peace as the gigantic worm was frozen solid.

Yet as she flew down towards Retharin and Marcus, her danger sense suddenly went off like wild, and she looked toward the Doomsday Worm and saw that its mouth was glowing.

After that she veered up as quickly as she could, when a powerful beam was shot out of the glowing red and yellow eye that sat in the middle of the monster.

Unable to get out of the way in time one of Gwyneria’s wings was blown off as the blast of energy flew past her and then off into the horizon.

Spiraling out of the air. she lost control of herself and smashed hard into the ground. Leaving a scar through the earth as she skidded to a stop.

The ice around the Dread Burrower began to crack as it flexed its body around in order to escape.

At the very least this gave Marcus enough time to free Retharin from the frozen tendrils around him. And using his cataclysmic iron sword as a floating stretcher he picked the huge gryphon up and began flying away.

It was pretty obvious at this point that if they tried to stall any longer on their own, someone going to die. So, it was time to get out of here and regroup.

They had other allies that would be arriving soon, and while it may make things more precarious to retreat now, losing either Gwyneira or Retharin would lower their power by a great deal.

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Sadly, Marcus was only able to evacuate one of them, and while Gwyneria’s injuries were far from as bad as Retharin’s, she still needed around a dozen seconds to regenerate her wing so that she could properly take off into the sky.

Unfortunately, the Doomsday Worm was not going to give her this time, and hundreds of its tendrils flowed out of the large hole in the ice its beam attack had caused.

Luckily it was still mostly restrained by the ice Gwyneria’s strongest attack had created, but it was only a matter of time until it broke free.

With more tendrils coming her way, Gwyneira lifted herself up and took a defensive position.

Still, she was exhausted after using her strongest skill and all of the other powers she had during this fight.

Just to stay alive so far, she had been going at full power, and even for a dragon, this fight was draining.

Fighting hard she tore through the tendrils and froze them with her magic and skills, but like always they were relentless and came at her from every direction. Even from under the ground.

Quickly it seemed like she was going to be overwhelmed and there was nothing anyone could do for her.

Retharin himself was unconscious and badly injured, while Marcus was having to prioritize getting him to safety.

He could have turned back and tried to help her, but that would have meant putting Retharin in harms way when he had no means to protect himself.

For now, all he could do was hope that Gwyneira might pull out a miracle and break away.

Alas, this is not what happened, as she eventually was overtaken, and the tendrils began wrapping around her.

Naturally she froze the ones that touched her, but they just kept coming, and soon she was completely surrounded by tendrils that were constantly piling on top of her.

It seemed that the end was closing in on her, as more and more tendril surrounded her as the Dread Burrower made her its only target.

Yet as she was being dragged towards it, trapped in a frozen sphere of her own making, a bright flash streaked across the area.

In just an instant this flash sliced through the tendrils that were dragging Gwyneira away and freed her from their clutches.

Then the person who had just saved Gwyneira landed on the ground and prepared to unleash another attack.

Looking back at this new arrival Marcus did not recognize them, but they struck quite the imposing figure.

They had long dark black hair that was tied into a ponytail, and they were wearing very well-made clothing that was obviously heavily enchanted.

Along with that they had piercing brown eyes that looked like they had seen a thousand battles.

Finally in their grasp lifted above their head was a system recognized amethros longsword.

Staring at this sword, even though he was in the middle of a fight with a monster that could be the end of the entire continent, his attention was drawn to this sword for a few moments.

He had only seen a few amethros items and created one himself, but this was the first time he had seen one that had the system’s recognition.

Of course, he wondered who this person was, but that question was soon answered as they unleashed their next attack which Marcus had seen a number of times.

“First Form, Tempest Fang.”

Striking down their sword, this figure created a huge slash of mana which flew forward with an immense amount of speed and power.

It sliced through all of the Dread Burrower’s tendrils with ease, flew through the hole in the ice that still restrained it, and sliced right into its head.

This slash traveled for nearly four miles through the dread worm and carved its body into two parts along this length.

Blood and acid gushed out of its body for a few moments, until it quickly began putting itself together from an attack that would have killed most anything else.

“Damn, that thing really is tough.” The man said as he looked at the Doomsday Worm that was regenerating quickly.

Just a moment later the frozen tendrils that had surrounded Gwyneira shattered as she busted her way out.

However, she looked far from great, with her breathing heavy, and looking horribly pale from exhaustion.

“Looks like I am a bit late to the battle. You must have had it rough so far.” The man said to her.

Staring down at the man who had saved her, Gwyneira responded and said, “Yes it has been tough. But who are you?”

Turning towards her, he smiled and said, “I am the Sword Savant. We talked just a few hours ago, and as agreed upon, I am here to help.”

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