Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 81 - 80 Egg Of Terror

After having exhausted himself testing out his new unique skills Marcus spent around an hour to recover and think about his next move.

’I wonder what I should do next. I still plan to get revenge on Poulsen for trying to kill me but after that I have nothing I really need to do. I suppose I do need a new weapon, but it is not like that is urgent since I do not plan on going into the dungeon anymore. Heck I did get the forge skill from the profession skill orb that was a reward for winning the monster festival so maybe I should make a new weapon myself. Yeah, that sounds like a good idea that way I do not have to worry about the workmanship of others and can make exactly what I want. Speaking of skill orbs I did get two from the chest that appeared after I beast the boss of the third layer, I wonder what could be in them.’

Marcus then took the two skill orbs out of his item box and quickly learned each of them.

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When he used the first one, he found that the skill he obtained was light magic and the second one to no surprise was darkness magic.

Looking over the tier one spells for each of his new magic skills Marcus found that the tier one light magic spell was called shield of light and the darkness magic spell was called darkness bullet.

’Not bad, two new magic skills will give me some more versatility, but I need to be careful not to overextend myself and pick up more skills than I can effectively level up.’

Satisfied by the addition of his two new magic skills Marcus felt the fatigue he had been building up since he had entered the dungeon to save Mrazivy and laid down in the bed to get some much-needed rest.

However, as soon as his head hit the pillow, he suddenly felt the connection with his companion magical beast egg sending him a signal.

The signal while not exactly words and more of a feeling pretty much translated to ’I am hungry’.

Sighing that he was not going to be able to get any rest yet, Marcus sat back up and took the egg out of his companion storage and began feeding the egg his mana.

As usual the egg drained him dry, but it still was sending out the signal of wanting more mana.

Giving in since the connection was too strong for him to sleep through Marcus downed one of his mana recovery potions and after a few minutes was back up to max mana capacity.

He once again emptied his entire mana stores before the feeling that the egg was hungry had abated.

’Ugh, what am I going to do with this egg, it is certainly a glutton and I only have so much mana at one time. Even with my mana regeneration I only recover around eight percent a minute so feeding this thing is a real hassle especially now that it can whine when it is hungry. But it is too late I am stuck with this egg now that I have applied a mutual seal to it, and I doubt that its parents would be happy if I neglected it. At the very least once it hatches, I should have a strong partner to fight with, so I just need to think of it as an investment.’

With his egg no longer sending him the hungry signal Marcus was finally able to lay his head down and go to sleep.

Waking up the next day Marcus felt refreshed now that he had given his mind a good rest.

He had many things he needed to do this day but the first was to feed the egg most of his mana once again.

He figured that giving the egg mana three times a day when he could, would allow it to hatch in a timelier manner than if he just tried to load it up once a day.

When the egg had finished off around eighty percent of his mana Marcus cut off the flow and returned the egg to his storage.

With the morning feeding out of the way Marcus took out the portable tub he had procured for himself and filled it with water.

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After using his fire magic to heat the water to an optimal temperature Marcus slid in and enjoyed his first bath in a long time.

Soaking in the warm water for nearly two hours Marcus felt the stress in his mind flow completely away as he simply relaxed.

’Ah that was nice, it has been to long since I had a bath and it really helped me out with the fatigue I have been building up. Even as a ghost I still have my mental limits and I need to be carful not to drive myself insane. Now then, the only thing I have left to do in this city is talk to Mrazivy and find out where Viscount Poulsen is so I can pay him back for the hospitality he gave me in the dungeon.’

Getting out of the bath Marcus went ethereal and allowed all of the water to fall off his body before storing the tub away and getting dressed.

He then exited the inn and found the city streets to be full of people, more so than usual.

He thought that maybe there was some type of festival or event happening in the city but soon found that not to be the case from the grim expressions on most of the people’s faces.

Marcus wondered what could be going on but simply shrugged his shoulders figuring that he could find out when he made it to the adventures guild.

Walking towards the guild he found that their were dozens of carts outside of it and all of them in the processes of trying to get adventures to escort them out of the city.

Marcus found this incredibly odd since this branch of the adventures guild almost exclusively was catered to requests pertaining to the Ocean Bluff temple dungeon.

When he was walking inside a few of the people with shabbier looking carts approached him and tried to get him to him to join their caravan as a guard offering him twelve copper as payment.

When he refused, they tried begging saying that the city was soon to fall to ruin since a sign of calamity had appeared yesterday, and that there were rumors of a mythic grade monster coming to destroy the city.

Marcus then realized that the "sign of calamity" was just his egg and the beam of light and darkness that fell down on him yesterday and that nothing else was actually going to happen.

He eventually managed to get the people to leave him alone when he told them that he had no intention off leaving the city and that he did not need their money.

The people trying to recruit him through insults at him as they walked away calling him things like a damned fool.

With the people that were blocking his way into the guild gone Marcus walked in and found the place to be fairly deserted by normal standards.

Most of the staff still seemed to be around but their was easily only about thirty percent of the usual number of adventures.

That was when Marcus realized the amount of panic, he had actually caused by forming a mutual seal with his new companion magical beast egg.

’Well, nothing I can do about it, the hysteria will calm down after a few days when nothing else happens.’

Marcus then queued up in line to be served and to ask if his previous message had been received but when he made it to the front of the line, he found an unpleasant surprise waiting for him, a wanted poster with his face on it.

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