Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 82 - 81 Mrazivý’s Manor And The History Of Borealia

Looking at the wanted poster Marcus saw that it gave details about his physical description, level, and even some of his skills, although his level and skills were not entirely accurate.

The poster mentioned that he was wanted for being in possession of a hazardous item and there was even a reward of a thousand gold for his capture.

’Fuck, how did they move so fast, it only took them like half a day to get these posters made. It is a good thing I decided to change my form over to Irene since it looks like I will not be going as Marcus in this kingdom anymore. Oh well, this is a big world, and it was not like I was going to stay here forever anyways.’

Shrugging his shoulders Marcus turned his attention to the slightly peeved receptionist who had patiently waited for him to finish reading the poster.

"What can I do for you today, are you also here to sign up for a transport quest to River Landing."

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Shaking his head Marcus said, "Actually I left a message for the princess many days ago and heard that she had just gotten back yesterday, I was just wondering if she had gotten my message."

The receptionist looked at Marcus and remembered that she had indeed been left with a message for the princess and had given it to her yesterday.

"Yes, I did give the letter to her highness, and she left a message for you as well."

The receptionist then handed Marcus a letter that said, ’Dear Irene, I am glad to hear you are all right, I am currently very busy so it may be a few days or even weeks before I can get back to you, but if you urgently need to talk to me come by my manor in the noble district and show the guards the seal on this letter and they will let you in.’

After reading the letter Marcus was a bit disappointed but understood that Mrazivy was royalty and had a lot to do other than check up on him.

’The problem is at this point I have a closer relationship to her as Marcus, but as far as she knows I have no relationship to Viscount Poulsen so asking about him would require an explanation. Also, this whole egg fiasco has made it so I cannot show my face around without people coming after me for the reward.’

Marcus figured that he might as well try to get Viscount Poulsen’s location from Mrazivy and if that did not work, he could always make the trip over to River Landing to find Wade and ask him.

Leaving the guild hall Marcus tried to locate a flying taxi but the turmoil in the city had caused them to be in short supply and he was unable to get one.

Resigning himself to walk Marcus made his way towards the noble area of the city where Mrazivy’s manor was located.

Unfortunately, the traffic in the city was horrible as people were bustling all over the place trying to procure supplies and weapons.

Eventually Marcus gave up on trying to proceed on foot and turned ethereal and invisible in order to float above the traffic.

It took him a couple of hours to finally reach the noble section of the city and Marcus could see that while it still seemed frantic the streets were less crowded.

Marcus then slipped through the gates that were being guarded so that ordinary citizens would be unable to pass through and found a quite alley to solidify.

With his body again able to interact with the world Marcus took off in a jog searching for Mrazivy’s manor and while it would normally seem weird for a person to be jogging around the noble quarter the current turmoil had other people running around similarly.

Soon Marcus found Mrazivy’s Manor and was impressed by its grandeur. The manor was three stories tall and was at least thirty-thousand square feet.

The house was also made out of beautiful blue and white stone which in certain intervals were shaped in the emblem of the kingdom.

A beautiful garden adorned the entrance full of flowers and trees that produced vibrant colors in the otherwise dull city.

’She really does not act very much like royalty, but this manor definitely proves that she is indeed. I wonder how much a place like this would cost, even the three thousand gold I got as a reward probably could barley get me a place a twentieth of this size not including the massive garden and yard.’

Once he had finished gawking at Mrazivy’s manor, Marcus approached the front gate that had four guards posted in front.

Using his creature appraisal Marcus found that each of the guards was level fifteen or above and the highest was level eighteen.

When he was around a dozen feet from the gate the highest-level guard who seemed to be in charge called out to Marcus and said, "You there stop, this is her highness Mrazivy’s property and unless you are here on official business you will need to leave?"

After taking out the letter from his item box Marcus said to the guard, "I have a letter given to me by the princess saying that I could meet her here, it has her seal on it to prove its legitimacy."

Two of the guards seeing the letter approached and the lead guard read the letter while the other kept an eye on Marcus to make sure he did not try anything.

When the guard had finished inspecting the letter, he nodded his head and said, "Lady Irene you are indeed permitted to enter but we will need to see your kingdom identification first before in order to make sure you are who you say."

Taking out his long unused Irene ID, Marcus handed it over to the guard who once again began inspecting it.

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After a minute of looking it over he handed the ID back, and said, "You are cleared to enter, Vargas will escort you to the front door."

The two guards at the gate then opened it allowing Marcus to enter while the guard named Vargas led him inside.

After a couple minute walk down the front path, Marcus arrived at the grand entrance to the manor that was made up of two ornate wooden doors.

Vargas walked up and grabbed the knocker on the door before banging it three times in quick succession.

A middle-aged man, in nice attire promptly opened the door afterwards and eyed Marcus and the guard.

The guard then quickly said, "We have a visitor for her highness, she is a personal guest and friend."

The man who was obviously a butler gave a slight bow before saying, "Unfortunately her highness Mrazivy Borealia is away on urgent business right now and will not be back till later. If you wish to wait in the drawing room for her highness to return you are welcome to."

Nodding his head in agreement Marcus followed the butler inside and down a great hall that had beautiful pieces of art hanging on the walls.

Soon the butler stopped at one of the doors and opened it up leading Marcus inside.

Once inside Marcus found that the room was full of high-quality furniture, mainly consisting of chairs, couches, and tables.

There also was a great bookcase in one corner of the room that was filled with many books.

Marcus found the chair that had the best view of the entry and decided to sit down there.

Once he had sat down the butler came over and asked him if he would like any refreshments while he waited, and Marcus wanting to see what would be served in a royal’s manor asked for some tea and cakes.

The butler then said, "Certainly I will go and have them prepared at once and I will be back shortly should you need anything else."

Once the butler had left to get Marcus the refreshments he had asked for, Marcus got up and went over to peruse the books that Mrazivy had.

Quickly one caught his attention and was titled ’The History of the Kingdom of Borealia.’

Interested in the topic Marcus grabbed the book off of the shelf and returned to his seat where he opened the book and began reading.

Marcus opened the book and started reading and soon found something that piqued his interest.

The book began when the area that now makes up the kingdom was still only a vast wilderness around five hundred years ago.

At that time the man who would be the first king of Borealia set out to explore the northern wilderness.

The man’s name was Boreas, and he was apparently a man of unparalleled strength rumored to be at least level fifty.

He and his band cleared the northern areas and settlements began forming in their wake, soon turning the area into a colony for the Kingdom of Tralenstein.

However, after the old king of Tralenstein died and his son replaced him the kingdom began to fall into ruin under his tyrannical rule.

Soon the northern colonies rallied behind Boreas and won a rebellion in a single week as Boreas and his party nearly overwhelmed the Tralenstein army by themselves.

After that Boreas claimed the area as his own founding the current kingdom of Borrelia, which he ruled for nearly thirty years before he suddenly named his son as his successor and disappeared.

Marcus continued to read the book but after the beginning it was not nearly as interesting to him since it mostly just detailed the rise of the kingdom to its current strength and continuing skirmishes with Tralenstein which still bordered them to the south.

’Judging from his name and the accounts of his strength I think this Boreas might have been from Earth like me. Boreas was the name of a god in Greek mythology so someone from Earth might have decided to use it as their name here. Of course, I could be wrong, but I will keep my ears out for this guy since for all I know he is still alive somewhere in this world.’

Once he had done all of the reading he wanted to Marcus, focused his attention onto the cakes and tea that had been brought to him.

After around another thirty minutes the butler came back into the room and said, "Her highness has just arrived and will be with you shortly."

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