Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 837 837

For several seconds Daniel and his companions simply stood around in a daze, not sure if what had just happened was real.

Without any difficulties Marcus had freed Daniel from being bound to the land where he had been turned into a lich.

"How? How is this possible? We have tried every conceivable type of magic and combination of normal skills, but nothing worked. What kind of power do you have that can after all this time set me free so easily?" Daniel said, a mix of several emotions in his voice.

He was elated, frustrated, and confused all at once by hat had just happened.

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"Oh, it was no big deal, you were suffering from a status condition, so my Supreme Skill could cure it." Marcus said nonchalantly.

This caused all of the undead to freeze once more and stare at Marcus in disbelief.

"You are telling me that Supreme Skills are real and that you have one? We had thought that they were just legends." Daniel said, unable to fully believe that the highest tier of skill existed.

Naturally with his intelligence network Daniel had heard whispers of a type of skill that was stronger than even unique skills but he had never been able to confirm it.

For the most part unique skills were already incredibly rare, and Supreme Skill could only be considered myths.

"Yeah, I actually have three Supreme Skills. But only the one I just used can affect other people so do not except any other miracles." Marcus said, revealing what was pretty much unfathomable information.

Hearing this all of the undead that had originally been humans from Earth felt their minds start to overload.

Never had they expected for Marcus to casually reveal that he had multiple Supreme Skill which they were not even sure existed up to this point.

Still, they could hardly deny what he said since they had just witnessed his power, and Alyna could tell that he was not lying.

"To think you have three Supreme Skills. How is that even possible? What kind of entity are you to be able to contain so much power?" Daniel asked unable to accept that Marcus could manage to survive with so many powerful skills.

"What do you mean? I just obtained the skills and can use them like normal. Sure, if I use them too much, I can damage myself, but I just need to be careful not to exceed my limit." Marcus said, a confused expression on his face.

In response, Daniel just shook his head in exasperation.

"So, you do not even know that every individual has a limit to the number and power of the skills that their vessel can contain. For an average person, two or three unique skills would be the most they can take. Afterwards they would have reached their limit and not be able to learn anymore. Yet you have three Supreme Skills, and I am sure at least a few unique skills. You said you were some type of ghost and spirit combination, but you must be something incredibly special to withstand so much power. What are you really?"

Naturally Daniel was now incredibly curious about Marcus’ race that he had only glossed over. No normal being could have as many unique and Supreme Skills as him.

"I suppose lying will not work, and holding back will not get us anywhere. I have already told you all quite a bit so i guess this will not matter. Along with being an unbound ghost I am also the great spirit of light and darkness."

After Marcus revealed what his race really was, Daniel, and his companions who had all stood up earlier in surprise when Marcus freed him, sat back down and took in what they had just heard.

Each of them knew about the great spirits to a degree and hearing that Marcus was one put things into perspective.

"I see, so you could have wiped us all out in an instant if you wanted. You were just feigning being weaker for some reason." Daniel said, having a misunderstanding.

From what he knew great spirits were considered the strongest beings in the world and were always max level.

However, Marcus was the one exception.

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"No, you have it wrong. I may be a great spirit, but I am a bit of an anomaly. I am not at the highest level and am actually only in the low seventies right now. I became a great spirit through something of a fluke thanks to the administrator."

Wanting to know more each of the undead asked Marcus more but he shut them down with a raised hand.

"I think I have sad enough. We may all be from Earth and I trust you now to a certain degree but I still have secrets I am not going to spill." Marcus said sternly, putting an end to this discussion.

"Now I think I have earned enough goodwill to leave for a bit and contact my wife. If I do not speak with her soon, she is likely to gather up our allies and storm this place."

His face going paler than usual, Daniel remembered about Mrazivy and how she had fled when they were still enemies.

Marcus had stayed behind to talk and knew their full circumstances, but as far as Mrazivy knew, he was trapped down in an enemy base.

"Yes, go ahead and go to her to prevent that from happening. At this point we have no choice but to trust you." Daniel said, urging Marcus to go to Mrazivy.

"Got it. This should not take too long. I will be back in a little while." Marcus said, opening up a Dark Portal and slipping through it.

In his wake he left Daniel and his companions stunned and they realized that they had never had Marcus cornered. If things had gone sour, he would have been able to easily escape and come back with the forces to destroy them.

Once Marcus came out of the portal he had left in his hotel room on the resort, he pulled out his long range sending stone and called Mrazivy.

He had not been able to while underground since their were enchantments that prevented outside communication, but now their was nothing obstructing him

"Marcus is that you?! Are you okay?!" Mrazivy said the moment the two sending stones had connected.

"Yeah, I am fine. It turns out that those guys are not really all that bad."

Marcus then explained their circumstances to Mrazivy and told her everything else that eh thought was pertinent.

"I see, they are just a bunch of unfortunate people looking for a way to get out of the situation fate has dealt them. I can understand that, but still, no matter what we cannot let that surveillance system stay. It is way too dangerous. No matter what it has to be destroyed." Mrazivy said, offering no room for argument.

"I know, but I got them to promise to destroy it if I could unbind the two of them that are stuck here. I already helped out the lich who is named Daniel by the way. All I need to do is free Alyna and everything will have worked out for the best." Marcus said optimistically.

On the other hand Mrazivy was thinking practically and could tell that Marcus was not certain he could actually help Alyna. Unlike Daniel she was not suffering from a status condition.

"You know if you fail that I cannot keep that same promise you made. That network must be destroyed no matter what. By force if necessary." Mrazivy stressed.

Having access to that much information was simply too dangerous to be left in the world and Mrazivy felt that it was only a matter of time before a catastrophe came about because of it.

"Fine, but I will not have a part in using force against them. I am sure you can understand that I sympathize with their plight. If things had gone a bit differently for me, I could have ended up in a similar situation. I just want a chance to help them before you strongarm them." Marcus said pleadingly.

"Very well, if you want to keep helping them that is fine. But let me meet back up with you so I can help. You never know how my eyes might come in handy. Plus, I need to make sure you do not do anything reckless."

With that settled Marcus returned through the Dark Portal he had created and informed Daniel that Mrazivy was coming back to offer her assistance as well.

"So if you would make it easier for her to get in this time around that would be great. She is not as adept at sneaking in as me and would be more likely to plow her way through if she meets any resistance."

Imagining their base being destroyed, Daniel hastily prepared to let Mrazivy in and informed the top brass of the resort staff to lead her to the main entrance when she arrived.

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