Transmigrated as a Ghost Chapter 838 838 Attempting To Help Alyna

"Allow me to start by thanking you for not immediately moving to destroy us and hearing us out. Most people would have destroyed us first and asked questions alter." Daniel said to Mrazivy when she arrived.

Naturally he knew that as a princess of Borealia that she could have mobilized a force strong enough to destroy them all if she wanted to.

"Well, you should thank Marcus more than me. It is mostly because of him feeling sympathetic to your plight that we are helping you." Mrazivy said, feeling a bit uncomfortable receiving thanks from a lich.

Unlike Marcus who was also a type of undead, she had to endure the unnerving aura that was coming off of each of the undead here. This made her instinctively fear and revile them.

Still, she knew that they were not really bad and had ended up this way by no will of their own.

"So, you have already assisted Daniel here with unbinding himself from the area, but what about Alyna. Do you know how you are going to help her, Marcus?"

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"I have some ideas, but I wanted you to thoroughly look at her status for me and see if there is anything your first cursory glance did not find."

Nodding her head Mrazivy did just that and her eyes turned golden and her pupils went vertical like those of a reptile.

This elicited a couple gasps from the Daniel and his companions who had not noticed Mrazivy using her dragon eyes while they were fighting.

"After a closer inspection, I found the problem, but I am not sure it will be easily to solve. She has a race ability called site bound. It says she is forced to haunt the place of her violent demise until her resentment is cleared away. I am not sure what that means though." Mrazivy said, giving out the information she had learned.

Of course, Alyna already knew this being able to look at her status.

"We have tried finding a way to nullify it, but nothing we tried worked. At one time we located a unique skill that could randomly disable skills and race abilities for a certain duration, but we did not get our hands on it to see if it would work." Daniel said, telling Marcus and Mrazivy about their past attempts.

"Hm, I might be able to see if healing your soul works." Marcus said.

He then beckoned Alyna to come over to him and she floated within arm’s reach.

"Um could you move your hand somewhere else?" Alyna asked when Marcus touched her.

Her voice had clearly conveyed her embarrassment, and Marcus quickly realized that he had placed his hand on her chest.

Right now as a dread wraith she had a shadowy appearance in the vague form of a woman and did not have any distinctive features, but she was still a girl and felt embarrassed to have someone put their hand on her chest.

"Sorry, about that." Marcus said before moving his hand.

’Now let me see what I can do.’

Activating his spirit healing specter power, he tired to repair any damage to Alyna’s soul, but there was nothing wrong as far as he could tell.

As a dread wraith being bound to the area where she had been violently killed was only natural for Alyna, and it was not considered damaged.

On the other hand, Marcus actually felt his soul being attacked by the powerful violent emotions that Alyna had.

Thanks to her madness resistance she had managed to keep sane, but a normal dread wraith would have become a monster that’s only purpose was to drain the life out of those unfortunate enough to cross paths with it.

’I suppose that I should not have gotten my hopes up. Seems like I am going to have to do this the hard way.’ Marcus thought.

What he figured he was going to have to attempt now was interacting with Alyna’s soul directly and trying to forcibly unbind her in a sample fashion to how he had ripped the pseudo soul fragment from Mrazivy.

"Alyna, I am going to need to meld my soul with yours to see if I can remove the shackles keeping you here. It will be fairly invasive, but I need you to not resist, or I will not be able to help you." Marcus said, his expression deadly serious.

Alyna for her part looked afraid and unsure.

"Have you even done something like that before? It sounds incredibly dangerous." Daniel said, his concern for Alyna clear in his tone.

"I have a couple of times. Very recently in fact. It was necessary to do so in order to remove the soul surveillance device you had implanted into my wife." Marcus said, a bit of anger in his voice.

"It is fine, Daniel. I am pretty much willing to try anything at this point." Alyna said, her desperation obvious.

With Alyna’s consent Marcus prepared to directly interact with her soul.

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"Please be gentle." She said in a way that sounded a bit suggestive.

A chill then passed over him and he saw Mrazivy glaring at Alyna.

"Was that comment really necessary?" Marcus asked.

"Yes, I feel a bit more at ease now." Alyna said, amusement covering up some of the fear in her voice.

Sighing, Marcus let it go, since he understood she was just trying to use humor to cover up how afraid she was.

"Mraz, make sure you keep an eye on both of our statuses. I am not sure exactly what might happen, since our natures as ghost are completely different."

Nodding her head, Mrazivy kept her eyes locked on them.

’Here goes nothing. I just hope that my being a spirit of light does not immediately begin to hurt her.’ Marcus thought remembering their earlier ethereal clash.

Alyna had been repulsed by his aura of light and taken sever damage, but at the time he had been using his supreme skill, so he hoped that a simar reaction would not occur this time.

Going into his full ghost form, Marcus attempted to possess Alyna.

It was a bit different than when he used the ability on a flesh and blood being, since instead of stealing control of a body he was temporarily merging his soul with hers.

Thankfully just his presence did not begin to do her damage, but it was very stressful to be entangled with another soul.

Still, Alyna felt almost completely limp, and Marcus could tell she intended to allow him to work without offering any resistance.

’So, this is how she is bound here. It is similar to the ghost of that boy who was possessed by a demon that haunted my estate.’

Realizing this Marcus moved to undue the binding that was keeping Alyna stuck in this location.

He was able to visualize it like several long chains that had her locked down and taking ahold of one he snapped it off.

When he did, he felt Alyna’s soul shake and a wave of pain go through her.

"Alyna, do I need to stop?!" Marcus asked her.

"No, keep going. It hurts but I sort of feel better now. Like a weight has been taken off me." She said, urging him to continue.

Going onto the next chain Marcus ripped it off and once again, felt a tremor through Alyna’s soul and heard a cry of pain.

He hesitated for a moment before destroying the next one, but before he did, he received a telepathic communication from Mrazivy.

"Marcus you need to get stop whatever you are doing and get out of their now. Alyna has suffered major damage to her soul and you now have a status condition called spiritual corruption (slight)." Mrazivy said, frantic.

Realizing that what he was doing was putting them both in danger Marcus left Alyna’s soul and solidified himself.

When eh did there were what looked like shadow bruises on his body.

In order to interact with Alyna’s soul, she had to let down her defenses but so did he. And it made him susceptible to the negative emotions that were inherent to her race.

Luckily it was easy enough for him to fix the damage he had taken now that they were no longer connected, and a quick use of his spirit healing cleared up the corruption.

Alyna though looked far worse and seemed more wispy and less stable than before.

"Why did you stop? I felt we were so close." Alyna said weakly.

To her Marcus was destroying the chains that bound her and all of the negative emotions that came along with being a dread wraith, but what he had been doing was not going to result in the outcome everyone wanted.

What Marcus had been doing was akin to a cleansing, and if he had finished, Alyna would have no longer been able to stay on Mirrion. All that was keeping her here was her resentment, and once it was gone, she would go back to the normal cycle for those that had already died.

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