Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives Chapter 395 Pro VS Pro [Part 1]

Villain Ch 395. Pro VS Pro [Part 1]

With intense determination in their eyes, Allen and Emma lunged at each other, their characters closing the distance rapidly. The tension in the air was palpable.

As they met in the middle of the arena, Allen swiftly activated his Poison Blade skill. A dark, noxious aura enveloped his dual blades as they shimmered with deadly venom. It was a formidable skill that allowed him to coat his blades with poison, adding a lethal edge to his attacks.

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Emma, unyielding and resolute, initiated her Sword Strike skill. Her knight’s sword arced through the air, aimed at delivering a powerful blow to Allen. She intended to strike first and reduce his HP significantly right from the start.

However, Allen was quick to respond. In a blur of motion, he employed his Hiding skill, causing his character to vanish from sight. He deftly altered his course, dodging Emma’s powerful swing. The force of her strike was so immense that it struck the arena floor with a resounding impact, causing it to crack and shatter. The echoing sound reverberated through the pods, creating a sensation that went beyond the usual virtual reality experience. This duel was unlike anything they had encountered before.

Emma’s confident smirk betrayed her intentions. "I’ve got you," she muttered to herself, swiftly turning around and bracing herself for Allen’s Backstab skill, anticipating his reappearance.

However, the game had a surprise in store for her. Allen had managed to outwit her expectations, throwing her off-balance in this high-stakes duel.

With a sudden burst of agility, Allen materialized beside Emma, a mischievous grin stretching across his face. He decided to deviate from his original plan of using the Backstab skill, opting for Rapid Attack instead. His intention was to shower Emma with a flurry of strikes, hoping to catch her off guard.

But Emma wasn’t an opponent to be underestimated. Swiftly, she raised her sturdy shield to defend herself from Allen’s onslaught. The arena was filled with the cacophonous clash of their weapons as Emma skillfully thwarted Allen’s barrage of blade strikes.

As the final echoes of Allen’s rapid assault resounded through the arena, he quickly disengaged, his skills entering a cooldown phase. Seizing this moment, Emma made her move. Shifting her shield, she unleashed her Cyclone Strike skill. Her blade whirled around her with breathtaking speed, aimed directly at Allen’s midsection, poised to pierce through his defenses.

Yet, Allen was not one to be caught off guard easily. With lightning-fast reflexes, he evaded the oncoming strike by ducking down and rolling forward, narrowly escaping the lethal trajectory of Emma’s sword. While Emma’s armor provided her formidable protection, it couldn’t entirely shield her from a precise attack. Seizing the opportunity, Allen directed his dual blades towards her leg, aiming to pierce through the chinks in her armor, where even the toughest defenses might yield to a well-placed strike.

Allen’s calculated gamble paid off. His blades found their mark, penetrating the chinks in Emma’s knightly armor and sinking into her legs. A surge of pain coursed through Emma’s virtual body, causing her to clench her teeth in response. Although the sensation was entirely digital, the discomfort was real enough to affect her concentration.

However, due to the tournament’s restrictions, there was no realistic depiction of bloodshed. Instead, Emma’s character exhibited a visible decrease in her HP bar, representing the damage sustained from Allen’s successful attack. Furthermore, the poison coating Allen’s blades began to take effect, adding a layer of detrimental damage to Emma’s character, which would gradually eat away at her health.

[Emma has taken 71 damage points!] X2

[Emma has been affected by the poison effect!]

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[Her HP points will decrease by 1 point per 2 seconds!]

[Her speed will be reduced by 20%!]

In a burst of anger and frustration, Emma swung her shield at Allen with surprising force. Caught off guard by the unexpected maneuver, Allen couldn’t evade the blow entirely as he had anticipated. The impact of Emma’s shield struck him squarely, sending his character stumbling back a few steps, his virtual body registering the force of the attack.

Emma’s clever use of her shield, typically a defensive tool, as an offensive weapon had momentarily caught Allen off balance, showing her adaptability and strategic prowess in the heat of battle.

[Allen has taken 62 damage points!]

Despite the sharp sting of pain from the unexpected blow, Allen quickly regained his composure. His eyes locked onto Emma as he activated his Hiding skill once more, vanishing from her sight in the blink of an eye. Invisibility enveloped him, shrouding his presence as he assessed his next move from the shadows.

Emma, growing increasingly frustrated by Allen’s elusive tactics, decided to take the initiative. She roared with determination and lunged forward, her sword raised high. She swung it down with all her might, aiming for where she thought Allen might be.

But Allen was quick to react. He reappeared just a step away from Emma, his dual blades slicing through the air. With impeccable timing, he executed his Poison Strike skill, aiming directly at Emma’s exposed side.

Emma, caught off guard by Allen’s sudden reappearance, was unable to defend herself in time. His poisoned blades bit into her armor, bypassing its defenses. She cried out as her HP bar depleted rapidly, the poison intensifying the pain.

[Emma has taken 136 damage points!] X2

Enraged and wounded, Emma retaliated.

"HAAA!" she shouted. She spun around with surprising agility, her shield becoming a deadly weapon as she charged into Allen with forceful force. Due to the narrow distance, he couldn’t evade the powerful shield strike, and it sent him sprawling across the holographic arena.

[Allen has taken 172 damage points!]

The pain coursed through Allen. He felt like he just got hit by a car, but he refused to give up. With determination in his eyes, he triggered his Hiding skill once more, vanishing from sight before Emma could launch another attack.

"I really hate assassin class," murmured Emma in annoyance, sweeping her gaze through the arena.

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