Villain MMORPG: Almighty Devil Emperor and His Seven Demonic Wives Chapter 396 Pro VS Pro [Part 2]

Villain Ch 396. Pro VS Pro [Part 2]

In those tense moments that followed, silence enveloped the arena as both Emma and Allen prepared for their next moves.

Emma, her senses heightened by the adrenaline coursing through her veins, kept a vigilant watch on her surroundings. She knew that Allen was a cunning opponent, and he wouldn’t reveal himself unless he saw an opportunity. The pain from the poison still gnawed at her character, a constant reminder of her adversary’s deadly skill.

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Allen, shrouded in the invisibility of his Hiding skill, analyzed Emma’s every move. He recognized her remarkable combat prowess and realized that a direct attack was unlikely to catch her off guard. He needed a clever strategy, something unexpected that would give him the upper hand.

As the seconds ticked away, an idea began to form in Allen’s mind. It was a gamble, a risky maneuver, but he knew it was his best chance. With a deep breath, he made his decision and prepared to execute his plan, waiting for the opportune moment to strike.

Emma’s senses tingled as she detected a subtle movement in front of her. Her instincts kicked in, urging her to respond swiftly. Without hesitation, she raised her sword, ready to fend off the attack.

- Clang!

As the clash echoed through the arena, a surge of surprise rippled through her. She felt the impact, but it was strangely weaker than she had anticipated. The realization struck her like a bolt of lightning – it was just one of Allen’s blades that had collided with her sword.

A gasp escaped her lips as the truth dawned on her – she had fallen for a diversion. It was a clever tactic on Allen’s part. Now, with her sword still raised in the aftermath of the collision, she found herself vulnerable.

Thinking on her feet, Emma quickly shifted her grip on her sword, reversing it so that the blade pointed backward. It was a bold maneuver, a desperate attempt to win the duel.

In a blink, Allen materialized behind Emma, his figure emerging from the shadows with an eerie grace. His dual blades glinted menacingly as he raised them high above his head, poised for a lethal strike. With merciless precision, he brought them down in a swift and calculated motion.

The blades found their target with deadly accuracy, sinking deep into Emma’s neck. It was a brutal backstab, executed with all the strength and precision Allen could muster. The poison-laden blades struck home at Emma’s critical point, their venomous tips ensuring a swift and painful end.

Emma’s eyes widened in shock and agony as the blades pierced her flesh. A guttural gasp escaped her lips, choked off by the excruciating pain that coursed through her body. Her character’s health bar plummeted rapidly, the poison taking its toll with ruthless efficiency.

[Critical hit!]

[Emma has taken 675 damage points!]

As Emma felt the excruciating pain in her neck from Allen’s ruthless backstab, she knew her time was running out. In a desperate bid to turn the tables, she summoned every ounce of strength left within her character.

With a swift and frantic motion, Emma pierced her sword backward, attempting to strike Allen, who loomed menacingly behind her. Her vision was blurred by the pain, and her movements were more erratic than calculated. Her one hope was to land a fatal blow on Allen and force a draw in this duel.

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However, the chaos of the battle had taken its toll, and her final attack was too random and uncontrolled. She couldn’t see her target clearly through the haze of agony that clouded her senses. As her sword swung through the air, its trajectory wavering, it narrowly missed Allen’s vital spots.

Allen, with his keen instincts and quick reflexes, managed to evade the strike at the last possible moment. He twisted his body, allowing the blade to graze his waist instead of delivering a fatal wound. The sensation of the sword’s edge slicing against his digital flesh sent a jolt of pain through his character, but it wasn’t enough to incapacitate him.

[Allen has taken 33 damage points!]

With a final gasp and a look of sheer determination, Emma’s character fought valiantly but ultimately succumbed to the lethal toxin. Her health points plummeted to zero, and her character disintegrated into countless digital bits, vanishing from the battlefield in a cascade of shimmering light.

The arena fell silent, save for the faint hum of the virtual world dissipating. Allen stood victorious, his character still intact and poised for battle. The outcome of the duel was clear: Allen had emerged triumphant, securing a hard-fought victory over Emma.

[Congratulations, Allen! You win!]

The girls watched in awe at the scene unfolding in the middle of the virtual arena. Allen’s avatar stood tall and victorious. Their eyes were wide with amazement as they exchanged hushed comments.

Vivian, her voice tinged with surprise, exclaimed, "I can’t believe Emma fought Allen so fiercely. She really pushed him to his limits."

Jane nodded in agreement, her gaze fixed on the virtual battlefield. "Yeah, I didn’t expect her to be this skilled. Allen must have had a real challenge."

Larissa, who had been watching duels involving Allen for a while, chimed in, "This is definitely the toughest match I’ve seen Allen in. Emma’s no pushover."

Their whispered conversation was interrupted by the owner’s applause. He clapped his hands, his expression one of satisfaction and approval. He had witnessed the duel firsthand and seemed genuinely pleased with the performance.

"Excellent duel, both of you!" the owner praised loudly, his words carrying through the virtual arena. His acknowledgment served as both recognition of Allen’s skill and an appreciation for the thrilling spectacle they had just witnessed.

Allen’s avatar turned toward the girls, a grateful smile on his virtual face. He nodded in appreciation and said, "Thank you."

The owner, after his words of praise to Allen, shifted his attention to Emma’s pod. However, to his surprise, Emma hadn’t left her pod yet. He raised an eyebrow, a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

"Emma, it’s my turn now," the owner announced, a touch of amusement in his tone. He was puzzled by her reluctance to exit the pod, especially after such a challenging match.

The others also exchanged curious glances, wondering why Emma hadn’t emerged from her pod as was customary after a duel. It seemed like there was something more to this situation than met the eye.

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