Villain’s Rising Chapter 16 16. Showdown

A piercing pain that spread throughout her body wrenched her out of her sleep-like state. She couldn’t even muster a groan as her eyes pried open.

It was only after she looked at the black haired boy infront of her, standing there staring her with a smile that sent shivers down her spine, the memories of what happened earlier flashed in her mind.

“You…” Her eyes widened, “Where am I… what’s going on? Was I in Hyersleep?”

Thousands of questions crossed her mind as she tried to get up from the bed she was lying on. However, she couldn’t. It was as if she couldn’t command her muscles to move.

“What’s happening?!” She yelled, or at least tried to but her voice cracked.

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“Shush my dear, you are dosed with a neurotoxin that has destroyed most of your nervous tissues. Although you do possess a regeneration ability, so your body is regenerating itself but I have no intention of letting the process complete. So I’m gonna ask you few questions and you’ll answer me before the time runs out. Understood?” Sam placed his index finger on Rebekah’s lips much like she did earlier on the terrace.

“Fuck you!” Rebekah barked, Sam who saw this coming only rolled his eyes before activating his ability.

“Ha! your ability won’t work on me,” Rebekah scoffed.

“Yeah I know, but I do not intend to make it work on you.” Sam said as his lips curled up and he streched his hand. His hand emitted a violet glow and Rebekah started to feel a sharp pain in her abdomen.

“Aghhh!” She let out a groan, “Wh-What is that!? How can you overcome my body’s defence!?”

“Defence? You mean your durability? Yeah it’s tough, so tough that it was almost frightening. We have to inject the needle through your eye to keep you in sleep. However I came up with an idea, if I can’t hurt you from the outside, I’ll do it from the inside. Literally.” Sam smirked as he kept his hand above her waist..

“Wh-What did you do to me?…” Terrified, she asked in a trembling voice.

“Oh nothing, I just made you swallow some apple seeds. You see I was craving some fresh apples and I thought why not grow an apple plant, and what better fertilizer can there be than a Willburn, right?” Sam spoke with wide eyes and a deranged smile.

Rebekah’s breathing became ragged. The bedsheets made muffled noise as she tried to get her back up and look at her abdomen.

Her belly bulged as if something was trying to crawl out of there. She widened her eyes in pain and terror, as if waiting for that instant, Sam removed her shirt.

What she saw was a small protrusion growing slowly. She stared with horror as suddenly a thorn pierced through her rather durable skin and splashed a small quantity of blood around her.

“Aggghhhhh!” Excruciating pain made her scream in agony, her voice resounded throughout the soundproof bedroom. Following this, a bloody twig exited through her body.

She couldn’t help but scream as tears flowed down on her face. She couldn’t understand what was happening. Branches appeared one after another and leaves stained dark red of her own blood were fully seen.

Just as she thought she was getting used to the pain, it reached the climax as a small trunk supporting red luxuriant foliage grew out of her open belly. A whole small tree grew out of her abdomen.

Rebekah lied there with trembling lips and unfocused eyes. She wanted to scream but she couldn’t, she had no lungs or anything at that in her abdomen.

Seeing the pitiful state she was in, Sam couldn’t help but exhibit a bright sadistic smile.

“Ahh if you show me anymore of this I swear I’ll fall for you haha!” He laughed in satisfaction;

“Now do you see my power Rebekah? Do you get why I’m a God!?”

Sam spoke narcissistically as he streched his right hand again. His hand emitted a familiar violet glow and the tree that grew out of Rebekah, started aging. The tree turned ash black in a couple of seconds and decimated into thin air.

Rebekah was there, laying lifelessly, with her abdomen open in half, only connected with few threads of flesh.

Sam checked her condition and couldn’t help but exclaim in surprise; “Even after all this, even when you’re torn in two halves like this, you’re still alive!? Dayuum girl! What are you made of?”




*Inside Anthony’s Dormitory Bedroom*

|”What do you mean you lost her?”| A voice came from the other side of comm device Anthony was holding.

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“Father I- I’m sorry. It’s my fault, I didn’t think she would go as far as running away.” Anthony spoke apologetically.

|”Tony you know that’s not the problem, the problem is her impulses. God forbid if she have one of those right now while she’s on the run and hurt a civilian, our names will be dragged into the mud!”|

“Yes but father she was in control nowadays, maybe she’ll not-” Before he could speak further, the man he called father yelled from the comm device.

|”Tony! You know that it’s a big risk, what if something upsets her? What if something hurts her? She’ll break her limiters and you know as well I do that, she is not good with controlling full ammount of powers like the rest of us!”|

Anthony wanted to refute but he knew what his father was saying was not wrong. If anything were to happen to Rebekah, and if she breaks her limiters that would mean all hell will let loose.

He stood there in silence for a second before he replied in a determined voice;

“I will find her and before she could cause any troub-” Before he could finish however, a loud explosion noise reached his ears.

|”Tony! What is going on?!”|

Anthony quickly walked to the window and drew the shades. His eyes instantly went to the scenery outside, the destruction, a huge mushroom cloud of smoke coming out from the inner district area.

|”Tony what’s going on!?”|

Anthony was shook out of his daze by his father’s voice and replied hastily;

“Fa-Father… Yeah the limiters we were talking about… I think it happened…” He walked up to his cupboard and took out his Starboy costume. “Permission to deplo-“





“Ahh darling, I think you’re offended. Was it something I said?” said Sam with a playful smile and an arched eyebrow.

“I will kill you” Rebekah spoke in an emotionless voice.

“Master, heroes are being dispatched to come here! A team will be here in no more than just 5 minutes!” Rose alerted Sam.

Righ now, everything around them was burning, the building they were in and the nearby ones too, everything was going down in rubble. The reason? Rebekah Willburn.

Sam thought there was still some time till he need to dose her with another syringe of toxin, however for some unknown bizzare reason, her body adapted quicker than he had expected.

As he walked near her to inject her, Rebekah grabbed his hand and looked into his eyes. Her open belly regenerated and closed in an instant before she spoke in a monotonous tone; “Die you monster”

As soon as she said that, her body emitted a bright golden light and released a strong force. Everything around her started crumbling under that intense force.

Sam tried to run but the strength Rebekah was holding his hand on to was too much for him to overcome even after activating his sub-power, [Bio-Argumentation]. But before it was too late he cut his own hand and called out to Rose to his rescue.

Rose quickly grabbed him and activated her ability, [Intangibility]. Everything around Rebekah exploded at the force of 1 ton of TNT.

“It’s okay Rose, calm down.” Sam spoke calmly.

“Calm dow- Master! She’s a Willburn! Any statement she gives will be hold against us! Should I go and stop the heroes from dispatching? I could say it’s a false alarm and let the-” Before Rose could speak further, her head fell off her body as if it was cut with a sword. With a thud sound her body fell on the ground with her eyes devoided of life.

Rebekah arched her eyebrow in confusion before Sam spoke; “I said calm down dammit. Anyway your work is done, I had more in plan for you but right now all I need from you is your ability.”

Sam finished speaking and hovered his hand on top of Rose’s dead body. His hand released a dull violet glow and Rose’s body emitted a light greenish hue. A small greenish orb came out of Rose’s lifeless body and went inside Sam’s chest.

“Now then Rebekah, where were we?” Sam titled his head with a strange smile on his face.

As if waiting for that cue, Rebekah started rushing towards Sam. Sam however didn’t back down either, he dashed towards her with his full speed too.

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