Villain’s Rising Chapter 17 17. A Small Price To Pay For... Revenge


Every punch that she threw sent a shockwave strong enough to destroy everything in it’s path. The road, the buildings, everything crumbled in front of her God-like strength. One could only imagine the end result if it were to hit someone directly.

The speed and sheer force were powerful enough to bend even the space itself around her fists.

Yet for some reason no matter how fast or precise the punch she threw, Sam always managed to render it effectless by letting it pass through his body, it was as if he was made of air.

That was the ability he just took from Rose, [Intangibility]. A perfect defencive ability, no matter what the force a attack is aimed at him, it won’t matter because nothing could harm hum physically as long as he kept that ability active.

Rebekah, seeing her efforts going down in vain, decided to change her attack strategy. If she can’t hurt him physically then she will hurt him… by burning up all the oxygen in the area.

With that thought, Rebekah distanced herself from Sam by jumping back, and activated one of her many abilities, [Explosion]. Flames wrapped her body and she started glowing in bright golden light.

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“Are you sure love? I can sense that the explosion you’re planning to create would be big enough to destroy atleast a few kilometres from it’s epicenter. People will die.” Sam smirked evilly, on the inside though, he was terrified.

How can he not be? His biokinesis doesn’t work on her and he doesn’t have any other offensive ability in his arsenal that would let him hurt her directly. All he had right now was an idea, but for that idea to become reality, Rebekah has to let her guard down.

Also there’s the fact that heroes have been deployed and they will reach there any minute. Sam however wasn’t too worried about that matter, those poor humans aren’t immune to his ability, all it would take is a snap from him to kill them all in an instant.

The problem however was Starboy. He ought to have seen the explosions or sensed the shockwaves by now, he might even be on his way to the location even as Sam was fighting. Sam was running out of time, he needs to think of something and do it quick.

“Do you think I care?” Rebekah replied with a emotionless tone.

Sam couldn’t help but widen his eyes and frown his eyebrows in utter confusion and shock. He knew Rebekah wasn’t the righteousness one, but he never in his wildest dreams thought she, the daughter of Starsuper himself, would go as far as to let thousands of innocent people die in her frenzy.

As if waiting for that cue, the flames that wrapped Rebekah’s body, changed it’s shape and surrounded her, creating an orb. The orb then started to expand.

Sam quickly activated his [Intangibility] again as the flame orb surrounding Rebekah blasted and an explosion, destroying everything in the radius of 5 km from it’s epicenter occurred..

The light from the explosion subsided and the smoke cleared up, revealing everything that was destroyed by that massive ball of fire.

Buildings were down in flames. People with high durability were left burning screaming for help, most of them vanished into ashes. Even most of the heroes who were coming to assist on the situation weren’t spared. All but one boy.

“And you call me the monster?” said Sam with a sigh. “Anyway that nearly wasn’t enough to kill me, are you underestimating me love?”

“You can breathe? Even though I burned all the oxygen in the surrounding…? Why… Why… WHY CAN’T YOU JUST DIE??!!!” Rebekah screamed on top of her lungs in frustration as she started floating in the air and swiftly closed the distance between her and Sam in an instant.


She started throwing random punches with her full strength. She didn’t care about precision or technique now, all she wanted to do was to kill this black haired boy in front of her. The boy who made her experience all kind of hell on just the first day of the academy.

Sam kept his [Intangibility] active and waited for Rebekah to let her guard down, even for just a second.

After a few minutes of continuously throwing random punches and depleting most of her already little left strength, she let her guard down for a split second to catch her breath. However a split second was all that Sam needed to carry out his plan.

He kept his [Intangibility] on and let his hand phase through her chest, as soon as his hand was inside her, he undid his ability and his hand reverted back to it’s original density while still being inside Rebekah.


A loud gasp escaped her mouth as she looked down. Sam’s hand literally was planted inside her chest. Although she couldn’t see it but she could clearly feel that her heart was crushed.

“Do you know what I did there? I undid my Intangibility while my hand was inside your heart, although my hand is crushed along with your heart but it’s a small price to pay for revenge.” Sam winked before speaking again;

“Now sleep little girl.” He smirked arrogantly as if announcing his victory.

Rebekah tried to move but she couldn’t, she tried to fight but her body refused, her consciousness left her body and everything faded into black. She went into hypersleep and her body began the regeneration process… again.

Sam seeing this activated his [Intangibility] and took out his hand, or rather what was left of it. Instantly he regenerated it and thought of something.

He grabbed her lifeless body by her waist and activated his [Stealth] ability. Not waiting for another single second, Sam lifted Rebekah in a princess carry position and grew a pair of big bat like wings from his back, flapping them to fly, he quickly escaped the scene.

Not soon after he left, someone crashed down to the ground like a meteor.

When the dust settled it revealed a boy wearing white hero outfit and a golden cape. The boy also wore a golden mask and on his chest, a letter “S” was embroided. Although he did wear a mask, his identity was all but anonymous, he was none other than the ‘Boy Saviour’, Starboy.

“What in the…” Anthony or rather, Starboy, gasped in shock as he saw the destruction caused by his own sister.

“Dammit Rebekah! I thought you left!” He clicked his tongue in frustration and tried to come up with a good enough excuse to give his father.

***Next Day***

“Anthony did you heard what happened yesterday?”

“Was it another villain or the same one?”

“Did you fight him?”

Several questions bombarded Anthony as soon as he entered the classroom. The black marks under his eyes made it clear that he wasn’t in any shape to come to class today let alone be bothered by useless questions.

Still he took a deep breath and answered not so truthfully, “Yes I heard what happened, yes it was the same villain and yes I faught him but he got away.”

“Got away? Are you serious?”

“So… even you couldn’t defeat him?”

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“Was he that strong? Can we help?”

The group of students that surrounded Anthony, made it clear that they didn’t have any intention of letting him go with just few questions.

“Guys calm down, look at him, he’s tired. If you want to help him then the least you can do is give him a rest with all these questions.” Kiara stood up from her seat and spoke in his defence.


“Yeah you’re right…”

“Sorry Tony.”

The group apologised and left him to take their seats.

“Thanks Kiara, you really saved me there.” Anthony said with a sigh while taking his seat.

“No problem. Honestly you look like shit. I watched the news, did the media interviewed you whole night? You didn’t even return to the dormitory.” Kiara asked, clearly genuinely concerned from her voice.

“Yeah… Honestly speaking, I’m so tired…” Anthony said in a tired voice as he laid his head down on the desk.

“It’s okay, it’ll all be okay.” said Kiara, trying to cheer him up.

“Mhmm” Anthony could only humm at that assurance. How could anything be okay?

He was tasked with protecting his sister, not only he lost her but now because of her, whole Willburn family name is in danger.

“Kiara look what I found!” Sam said enthusiastically while entering the classroom.

“Hey man! Don’t speak about us like you found a penny on the road!” A vibrant red haired boy following behind Sam spoke.

“Haha it’s just been one day but I missed you guys.” The blonde haired girl walking besides them giggled.

“Drake! Robin! You guys are back!” Kiara said while getting up from her seat, “I thought you guys weren’t gonna come until after few days.”

“Yeah sorry for disappearing without a notice guys, we-“

“We know Drake, you guys had some noble family business.” Sam placed his hand on Drake’s shoulder.

“Yeaa, to be perfectly honest, I’m so done with the noble duties! Sometimes I just wanna fly in the sky like a bird!” said Robin while flapping her hands.

“Lol whatever that means.” Kiara chuckled before speaking again, “Oh forgot to introduce you guys, meet our new friend, Anthony Willburn.”

“Ahh why is he sleeping?” Sam frowned.

“Huh?” Kiara looked down at Anthony, his head down on the desk, he was sleeping like it was years after he got some rest.

“I heard about yesterday’s news, I think he’s really tired” said Drake.

“Hmm, It’s hard being a superhero and a teenager.” said Robin.

“Anyway, do you guys know what I found when I was in Hydrart Barony? I found a black scaled crocodile! It goes without saying I faught and of course I won!” Drake shrugged his shoulders arrogantly.

“Woah really? What rank was it Drake?”

“Eh… it was I think.”

While the group talked about different things, Sam kept on glaring at Anthony.

‘What are you Willburns… What are you hiding?’

Sam laughed as Robin finished telling a funny incident, although he didn’t heard what.

‘I will kill you I promise, and after that there will be no one in this world who can challange my authority!’


Information available on:


?The user is able to move through solid objects and ignore most physical effects in their way, exact means how this is done vary between slipping partially into other dimensions, being able to make their own particles move between other particles, being non-physical being of energy, vibrating their molecules into a new quantum frequency, etc.

?The user can also fuse objects into people making it intangible/untouchable and unreachable.


?The ability to be stealthier than what is naturally possible.

[Stealth>>Presence Removal]

?Users can remove the presence of oneself or others from anything and anyone, making the target unnoticeable, imperceptible, causing people to forget them, and removing their connections/presence from objects or events relating to them.

*’>>’ = Upgrade


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