Way of the Knights Chapter 256 - Classmates?


After some more discussions with the Leader Class, the time allotted for them was spent so Raven ended the class.

When he left the room, the students soon followed after. Their first day had rather been fruitful, and somehow stressful. Some of them even questioned their decision for enrolling to this course. For now, they decided that they will stick around to see if they are able to achieve Raven’s standards. If they couldn’t, then they would drop out of the class and focus on other things.

Raven’s next class was the ’Unity of Body, Energy and Spirit’.

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It’s this class where he was tasked to teach and give pointers about ’Dual Cultivating’ or ’Triple Cultivating’. The class will take place in a field, since Raven planned to teach practical things or give concrete examples for the students which calls for them to actively train. In order to prevent them from destroying things, he decided to use the training fields for the class.

Upon his arrival to the field, Raven became stunned with what he saw.

First and foremost was the number of students who are in this field. Raven only had 10 students currently and it seems that no one will come anymore.

But what surprised him the most was the identity of the students. The ten students who stood in front of him, were the exact same faces that he saw when he and his friends became a part of the Genius Class.

He saw Rupert and Veronica. Two of the people that they became close with. Surprisingly, he also saw Alice in here, which puzzled him since from what he could remember, she had a little vendetta with someone from the Genius Class but here she is.

Raven was so surprised that he just now remembered to check the class profiles and saw the proof that he really will be teaching his former classmates.

"Well, this is interesting." This was Raven’s first greeting to the class. His students smiled as he said this, it seems that their teacher was really taken by surprise.

Raven sighed and asked: "Can anyone explain what’s going on here?"

"It’s Uncle’s idea." Rupert was the one who replied, the Uncle he was talking about here should be Victor, the former teacher of the Genius Class.

Veronica then followed up by saying: "When we found out that the Academy will be built along with the introduction of the new Academic System, we made a decision to enroll and test it out."

Raven nodded and could pretty much tell what’s going on. They were probably encouraged by Victor to integrate themselves with the Academy since he himself had high expectations for it. He might also be the one who arranged them to become Raven’s students as well.

Due to that, Raven decided to confront Victor later and know his reasons behind doing this. Well, it might not be necessary since even he asked him, it won’t change the fact that his former classmates are now his students.

The class then saw Raven’s eyes gleam with a colorful light for the briefest of moment before going away. Raven then said: "So, you guys restarted your cultivation bases."

He saw then nod which basically confirmed what he saw when he activated his ocular technique earlier. When he checked earlier, he saw the energy fluctuations around them were weak and upon further inspection he saw that all of them are barely on the Skin Toughening Realm.

"That won’t be a problem." Raven stated, "You guys should be able to blast through the realms quite quick since you already experienced them once."

Raven doubled checked their profiles and saw what their Spirit Entities are. He then asked: "So I assume that all of you experienced the Baptism Ritual before right?"

He saw them nod once again. "Very good, that’ll make things easy."

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He then looked at them one by one and had the briefest feeling of nostalgia as he did so. How the times have changed. Less than two years ago, these people were his classmates but now he’s standing on a different platform compared to them. He couldn’t help but think that fate is really funny sometimes.

Raven cleared his throat and started speaking: "A few things before we start the class."

"First of all, I’m glad to see you all doing well. I am also extremely glad that you guys had given the new academic system a chance."

"Although it’s a little weird for us, reality won’t change. I, in fact, am going to be your Instructor from now on. Now I know that we had a brief history together, but while I do cherish those moments, I hope that you’re not expecting some kind of special treatment from me. Cause I’m telling you right now, I absolutely can’t do that."

The class heard his words and nodded. None of these people were expecting that anyway. They knew of Raven’s capabilities even back when they were classmates. In the briefest of time that they were together, they knew what kind of person he is, and it’s not really hard to imagine what will he be like as their new Instructor.

"But I’m going to say this." Raven paused for a bit and looked at them intently. "If you endured my training and apply the things that you learned from me. In one year, you guys will return to your previous cultivation bases but in a more powerful state."

"Do you remember the things I could achieve back in the days when we were still classmates?" He asked and say the class nodded, "I will bring you all to that level, that’s a promise from me to you."

The eyes of his class started shining when he said that. While it’s just a promise for now, none of them doubted him even for a second. They knew that he will keep his word, which excites them to no end.

"Let’s begin the actual lesson now." Raven then pushed his badge.

After he did that, a screen of light emerged from the badge and showed a silhouette of a human body in front of the class.

Raven then started by saying: "This class is named ’Unity of Body, Energy and Spirit’. In the introduction of the course, it is said that this class will give you pointers on ’Dual Cultivation’ or even ’Triple Cultivation’. The term might sound weird but when I said ’Dual Cultivation’, I’m not referring to the kind where you have to find a partner or a significant other to cultivate with. Of course, ’Triple Cultivation’ is not a threesome either. I thought I’ll just make that clear for everyone."

The class had mixed reactions when he said that, but Raven didn’t pursue it since it wasn’t the point of the class.

"When on reaches 13 years old. They will experience a dream to which they were transferred into a place filled with brilliant stars. After journeying inside for quite sometime, one will find a ritual altar and approach it. Once that happens, a particular set of stars will shine with intense light and the dream ends. After waking up from that dream, one will find out that they broke through the beginning stages of Skin Toughening Realm. Everyone should be familiar to this right?"

The class nodded, Raven then continued by saying: "What comes next is where things get a little confusing. Due to the lost heritage, the talent measuring system was basically wrong. I don’t think I need to discuss that further since my existence is a solid proof of that. Remember, I had a Red-level Talent."

The class nodded once more and wasn’t shocked by this revelation since they already knew this before.

"I want you all to forget about the colored talent system altogether. Think of it as a thing of the past, something that you will never go back to. What you need to know is that after awakening from that dream, you already received the blessings of you Spirit Entity and thus you could now venture into what I call the ’Three Human Paths’."

"These paths are named: ’Energy Path’, to which we usually refer to as Knighthood. The ’Body Path’, which focuses on cultivating the body to reach an inconceivable level. And finally the ’Spirit Path’, which focuses on one’s soul."

The class were now hooked with the lesson, all of them focused on his words intently, wanting to remember everything that he has to say.

"Now, my words earlier should make sense now right?" Raven asked, "When I said ’Dual Cultivation’, I am referring to cultivating two out of the three known paths. And ’Triple Cultivation’ means that one will cultivate all three at the same time."

"That’s what this class is all about. You do remember my friends right?" The class nodded, who wouldn’t know about him and his team at this point really?

"Paul and Mark cultivates the Energy Path and the Body Path. Ellen and Anne cultivates Energy and Spirit Path. While Luna and I cultivates all three paths. And you all had seen the things we could do, so when I gave you my promise earlier, know that I’m not speaking empty words. I’m truly am capable of bringing you to a height that you guys had never seen before.. So make sure to work hard and endure my training."

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