Way of the Knights Chapter 257 - Improvements


"Go on, you guys. A little more and you guys will be done."

Raven encouraged as he looked on to his class, which happened to be his former classmates.

He was pretty sure that someone was glaring at him but he shrugged it off, that glare won’t harm him anyway.

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The pep-talk he had earlier with them managed to raise their spirits and look forward to the class. Raven decided to not waste anytime and immediately drawn up a training regimen for them which mainly consists of harsh training.

Just like what he did to his students at the Conditioning Class, he asked them to run with weighted armors on, however he didn’t give them any choices slapped on the heaviest set of weighted armors available, no exceptions.

He made them do 10 laps around the field whilst wearing the armor. As they started, Raven was able to immediately identify who had stronger bodies from those who doesn’t. Raven was already marking their progress at this point and adjusting their personal regimen on the fly.

Doing ten laps around the field while wearing a heavy set of armors wasn’t enough to bring them down, but it doesn’t mean that they weren’t at least exhausted. These people had once been so close to being a Knight, resetting their cultivation bases won’t really remove the prior training and experience they had but of course it has some effects.

After they finished the laps, Raven asked them to remove the weighted armor and made them run once again but this time he didn’t give them definite amount of laps to do. He just asked them to run until their legs couldn’t endure it anymore.

His class was puzzled at his methods but it wasn’t their place to ask. They did what they said and place their whole hearted trust on him. Thus, their suffering had began.

They ran and ran until they dropped like flies, their bodies were soaking with sweat, hairs dishelved, legs shaking and breath stagnant. Even those who are still running had already lost count on how many laps they’ve done so far, but it wouldn’t be too long until they give up too.

And just like what they thought, after a few moments, they fell with a thudding sounds on the ground. They were on the verge of fainting from all this running.

But Raven didn’t allow them to lose consciousness just yet. With a wave of his hand, he sent his Chaos Force forward and lifted them one by one. He then took out multiple basins of water and poured in contents of Body Restoration Fluids.

His class knew that all of them were floating in the air, and if they were on their normal state they would’ve freaked out or be stunned on just how strong Raven truly were. Unfortunately, they were barely awake due to exhaustion so they could only watch silently.

Once the fluid had steeped onto the waters of each basin, Raven gently lowered each of them on the basin and said: "Don’t lose consciousness. Revolve the Cultivation Scriptures that you received and absorb the efficacy in the waters. Don’t stop until you absorb every single drop."

As his voice echoed on their ears, some of them bit their tongue to remain awake. They then recalled their cultivation techniques and started absorbing the efficacy on the waters.

As soon as they did so, the waters immediately swirled and their absorption began. Every single cell in their body shivered in joy, they greedily absorbed the efficacy on the waters like a starved beast. Every single one of them felt incredible, they could feel that they were being strengthened in a frightening pace.

Their exhaustion was being replaced by a wonderful feeling. It was hard to explain, even breakthroughs didn’t feel this way. It was a completely new experience for everyone here. What’s even more surprising is their cultivation scriptures. Comparing what they used prior to these ones was just completely unfair. They were now starting to understand why Raven told them to forget about the old talent measuring system. This is without a doubt, the real way.

Thankfully they decided to place their trust on Raven. This was a good choice their part since Raven wouldn’t fail them and would really keep his promise. Of course, Raven has other plans with them but now is not the time to reveal them just yet.

Raven gave them time to absorb everything. What he gave to them wasn’t just a normal Body Restoration Fluids. These were at least B-rank in terms of effectiveness, he was treating them just like how he treated himself back when he was at the same stage as they were. After pushing them to absolute brink of exhaustion, comes the perfect time for them to absorb the nutrients from the Body Restoration Fluids. Not only they will recover extremely fast in this situation, they will also be strengthened to a profound degree.

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After some time, the class woke up one by one. Their eyes shone with delight, they looked at their hands and felt a profound sense of strength coursing through their bodies. None of them had any real breakthroughs just yet but it didn’t matter at all.

"Go dry yourselves up first and then return here. I have something to say before I dismiss the class." Raven said, to which the class nodded and got out of the basins to dry themselves up.

Once they returned, Raven already stashed out the basins he took out earlier and he was already waiting for them. After the class reassembled, Raven then passed on papers on each of them.

"I made this training regimen for you guys. It’s different for each one so don’t bother comparing." Raven said as he saw them receive the papers. "Your training doesn’t start nor end inside this field. Even when at home, you could train yourselves up. I’ve given you each some of my observations so far from inspecting you. If you have any questions, you can ask me during class. Am I clear?"


"Alright, remember that it will only get harder from this point forward. But so long as you’re working hard, I won’t be stingy with my support." Raven stated, "From the next class onwards, you will be focusing on the training regimens that you received, which means that your training won’t be the same from the other. Are there any questions?"

Raven saw each of them shook their head so he nodded and said: "Okay, that’s all for today. I’ll be expecting each of you here tomorrow."

After saying that, Raven disappeared from his position and the class was dismissed.


The day went on and Raven had finished all of his classes. He was now heading back towards the teacher’s faculty to meet up with the rest of the Instructors to discuss some matters.

For the first day of the school year, it was rather productive. He managed to at least express his expectations and get his students to understand some of his intentions.

Now he just want to receive some reports from the other instructors as well.

The meeting occurred shortly after he arrived, from what he understood from each of his colleagues, their first day went on relatively productive as well. So far, they saw some students showing some promise already even though this is just the first day.

Of course, there are some rebellious kids who still failed to understand their current predicaments. Fortunately, the Instructors already devised a solid plan to put them in their proper place and prepared methods to deal with their attitudes.

Overall, the first day went great. Of course, Raven also seek some insights from his colleagues to find out if there’s something they could improve on. Luna raised a very interesting idea at this point.

She asked if each instructors could give a little tour to the students and bring them to several facilities inside the academy, mainly she was talking about the Training Halls.

She said, that if the students realized the benefits of each facilities, that would cause their competitiveness to ignite and cause them to work even harder for benefits, which in turn would make their growths faster.

She also wanted the students to be informed that they could apply for some simple missions. Doing this would also cause the students to experience the benefits of their hard work and would push them to give even more efforts in cultivating.

Her idea was extremely good. All of her colleagues and agreed to her proposition so for the remaining time of the meeting, they mainly discussed how they’re going to schedule each student’s visit in order to prevent them from overcrowding the place.

After they reached a decision, the meeting ended and they all dispersed. Raven spent time with his friends first and with Luna. They ate dinner together and then they went on their separate ways. Raven went back home and rested for a bit before going inside the Crown Space. Being an Instructor doesn’t mean that he could relax from his training.. He had to practice what he preach, and Raven knew that he absolutely couldn’t allow himself to get rusty from this temporary job.

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